01x02: Great Responsibility

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Emma's causal outfit is down below.

Alternative Title: Fuck, do I have to be in a team?

"This is it, the test to see if I can make it in the superhero big leagues!" 

"This exercise will gauge your efficiency against superior numbers." I hear Fury over the P.A. as I stand alone in the middle of the room, surround by S.H.I.E.L.D. robots. "Disable all attackers. You have sixty seconds. FYI, Captain America did it in ten."

"Easy-peasy." I smirk, I dodge as one attacks but another grabs me and slams me to the ground, they all pile on top of me. I groan. "This is more humiliating than Parker family game night." I get out and punch one robot through its metal stomach. Another wraps its tentacles around my waist.

"How weak is this? I'm gonna land on the superhero wall of shame for dying ten minutes after joining S.H.I.E.L.D."

The robot zaps me, I groan and grab both of its tentacles and rip them off. It explodes.

Four flying balls chase me, I hold on to one. My spidey-sense goes off as one explodes, so it's a bomb. Green goo comes out as I hit against the wall, I fall to the floor face-first. "Oh, uh, oof."

I groan but jump back up when I see more robots running at me.

"Where did S.H.I.E.L.D. tech put the web control?" I press a button, white slime goes out. Ew. I try again, white slime comes out. Ew. I hit more buttons as the robots start moving faster. Suddenly the web control comes out, "score!" I grin as I shot a web at the remaining goo bombs. I swing them to the robots and it explodes. "Yeah!" I cheer. Something lands on the top of my head. "Ow!"

Little did I know, behind the cameras Fury and some others were watching me.

Fury laughs as he watches me get body-slammed by another robot.

"I finish this thing in under twenty." A Caucasian boy with a yellow mask on says.

"I completed mine in under eighteen." A buff African-American boy says.

"There's no discipline to her fighting style," a woman dressed as a white cat says. "She's just thrashing around hitting things. But Fury says she's good for the team."

A boy with a bucket on his head runs up to the group, "why is Fury testing a new candidate? I didn't approve of this!"

"Look who thinks he's still in charge. That's so cute."

"If Fury thinks I'm going to lead that lame-o in battle-"

"In your dreams, you're the team leader," Buff-Boy says, walking up to Bucket-Head and nudging him.

Yellow-Mask walks up to them, "she is rough around the edges, but not without potential."

"Yeah," Cat-Lady steps up. "But she named herself Spiderwoman. How sad is that?"

"What was she supposed to call herself?" Buff-Boy defends me, even though I still never met these people. 

"Something cool that didn't scream, hi, I have low self-esteem and identify with bugs."

"You know what they say about a book and it's cover, dude," Yellow-Mask says.

"Dude, I'll clean this helicarrier for a month if she makes it."

"Toilets too?"

"Toilets too." Her eyes widened as she see all three boys raising their hands up for a high-five.

"You're on."

"I'm in."

"Me too." 

She high-fives the three.

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