01x17: Awesome

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A crowd of New Yorkers let out startled screams as they run away from the crime scene.

I land on the street and look at the mess before letting out an annoyed groan.

"This has not been my week. Monday, Whirlwind tried to spin wash me. Tuesday, Aunt May had me pose for her art class. Wednesday, uh, I forgot what happened Wednesday, but I'm sure it involved me being punched. And, today, this!"

"Nothing stops the Juggernaut! Huh-" The Juggernaut gasps when I web the money away from him and web it against the top of a light-post.

"Juggy, for being one of the world's most dangerous villains, you got one lame catch phrase." I sigh, giving him a disappointed head shake.

"I'm gonna squeeze the funny right out of ya!" Juggernaut shouts at me.

"You think I'm funny?" I grin as he starts charging towards me. I shoot a web at his face.

"Get over here!" I dodge his punch by jumping on his back. He slams his fist against the ground when my feet touch the ground, knocking me over. He picks me up and throws me away like a football, I think.

"Open wide, Juggy!" I catch myself with my webs. "Make way for the ten toes of justice!" My feet slam against his chest and I'm quickly on the ground again, holding up my throbbing foot. "Ow, ow, ow! Toes, toes, toes!"

Juggernaut throws a car at me but I dodge by sliding underneath his legs and webbing them together. When I stand up and tug on the web, the webbing around the Juggernaut's leg wraps tightly together, knocking him down.

"At least this week is almost over. What else could happen?"

The Juggernaut runs at me, head first, knocking me up against a brick wall.

"Where you at, Shortcake?" I hear Power Man on my S.H.I.E.L.D. watch. I bring the watch to my face. "Have you forgotten a little something?"

"Kinda busy right now. Call back when a villain isn't trying to kill me... so never, never call back." I groan before dodging the Juggernaut again.

"You're supposed to be so smart! But you forgot about the science fair!"


"Yes, the science fair," Acting-Principal Coulson answered. "I cannot stress how important this is. The winners head to the state finals and eternal glory. Plan well. I am splitting you into teams. Sam Alexander and Ava Ayala are a team."

Ava groaned.

"Harry Osborn and Daniel Rand."

The two grinned at each other and faked rocking-out.

"Elizabeth Stark and Mary-Jane Watson."

The two high-fived each other.

"Luke Cage and Emma Parker."

"Awesome!" Luke  grinned.

"Yeah... Team Awesome!" I nodded and we fist-bumped.

"Don't get your sunglasses all fogged up. We got something, like, three weeks." I shrug.

"It's tomorrow! I've been bugging you about it every day and you keep telling me that it's in the bag and... wait, are you upside down?"

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