01x05: Flight of the Iron Spider

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Alternative Title: If there is a God, it's Tony Stark

"You're welcome, New York!" Jameson says on the big screen. "Thanks to the tireless efforts of Daily Bugle Communications led by yours truly, James Jonah Jameson, a certain bug-eyed, wall-crawling menace will now think twice before she shows her face in my city!"

I run across the big screen, dodging green light blasts, trying not to get murdered by a supervillain.

"My name's Emma Parker and I'm Spiderwoman."

I swing across the street, still dodging attacks.

"Which means I get to get chased around New York City all day by bad guys like this."

"You can't outrun pure light!" The villain shouts at me.

"Ow!" I repeat over and over as I keep getting scratched by pure light.

"Just a matter of time until you're toasted!"

"Hey! Come on!" I land on a roof. "These costumes don't sew themselves, you know!"

"Come back here!" He shouts as he absorbs himself into a traffic light. He then bursts out of a giant 'B' sign from the giant, glowing 'BANK' sign. And floats in front of me and tries to punch me, which I dodge.

"Here we go again guys, Spidey's in trouble!" Power Man says from the ground. They see me fall from the roof. "I got her!" He catches me. "Sup? Need some help?" He just causally holds me, bridal style.

I shrug and grin, "eh, sure."

White Tiger slides onto her knees in front of us, "maybe we can take this one down without tearing up the city?"

"Eh, maybe we can." I mock, I pinch Power Man's cheek. "Put me down, Tiny." He drops me and lets out a mega, "OOF!"

"That's Power Man to you, Shortcake!"

"SHORTCAKE?!" I jolt up and crack my knuckles.

The villain lands on the street.

"Anyone read the Wiki on Bad 80's Light Show Guy?" Nova asks.

"Arthur Parks aka the Living Laser. Former Stark Industries employee. Physical form comprised entirely of active photons-" Nova cuts me off.

"Hold it! He's made of what?"

"Photons. That means-" We watch as the Living Laser grows bigger. "Yup, that means he can do that."

"I'll fry you like bacon." Suddenly a giant-ass laser beam hits him and dissolves or something.

"What the fuck just happened? I thought he was gonna fry us like bacon." I say with fake disappointment. "What is he, vegan?"

We hear a sonic boom, which is the same sound that was made when Living Laser turned off.

"There's that sound again," White Tiger states the obvious.

We all look towards the sky and see a man in a red and partly metal suit fly down.

"Iron Man!"

I excitedly start repeatedly slapping Nova's arm, grinning like crazy.

The team and I watch as Iron Man speaks to Fury.

"What do you think they're, you know, talking about?" I ask White Tiger.

"Probably some national security issues," White Tiger answers.

"I'm going to talk to him!" I say, sorta scared.

"Don't do it, you're gonna embarrass yourself." Iron Fist bluntly says.

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