01x12: Freaky

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Summary for those of you who skipped the Daughters of Liberty arc: 

-New Member of the Team aka Elizabeth Stark/Iron Maiden is the daughter of Iron Man.

-Emma has muscles and ads (a four-pack) and Ava is now a lesbian in questioning.

-A villain named Black Bone tried to kill off the male sex by summoning the Mother of Demons called Lilith.

-Elizabeth Stark took the powers of Ghost Rider from Charlie Black (an OC) and banished Lilith's ass back to hell.

-Another OC named Pythoness altered everyone's memories except for the Daughters of Liberty so now everyone thinks it was a gas attack.

-April Carter aka Captain Liberty will be the main OC for my Avengers Assemble story.

-I also changed Emma's voice actress to Margot Robbie.

-And the next chapter/"episode" is a fan-made chapter as well. (Ha! You all thought-)

-Although, I'm gonna say it's a required read for this fanfic as it reveals stuff about Emma's background. 

-It's not exactly superhero worthy nor is it my best work, but it's still important none the less!


"My names Spiderwoman. Between school, homework, and being a superhero, it's hard being me."

I swing onto a rooftop at Times Square and stare down in shock at the chaos below. I jump off the rooftop and land on the street. People all around me were screaming, running or fighting each other.

"Whoa, what's going on around here?" I ask but I just get ignored as people run past me, screaming. Suddenly, people start attacking... me? "Hey, hey!" I block them. But they shove me to the ground and try to pull off my mask. "Oh, come on! I just got this suit fixed!"

I try to crawl away but the crowd just grips me tighter.

I groan as I struggle to climb onto of a bus. I manage to shake them all off and stand on top of the bus. Only for a dude in a yellow jumpsuit to land on the bus next to me.

"Wolverine?" I gasp. "What are you doing here?"

He growls at me.

"That's the mutant superhero, Wolverine. He's got unbreakable everything. And his claws can cut through, well, anything."

"What did you do to these people?!" He demands from me before growling in my face.

"And if I had gum, I would have just swallowed it."

I start stepping back as the people below shout various things. Wolverine just keeps walking towards me.

He grabs me by my shoulder, "kid, you have until the count of three to hit the off button on whatever it is you're doing here."

"I didn't do this!" I get hit in the head with a pretzel.  "How did I do this?"

"Count. Of. Three!"

"If you think I had the power to do this, don't you think I'd order you to shower? Hello! We're both good guys. I'm not gonna fight you, you... ferret!"

The crowd below starts rocking the bus. Wolverine falls off the bus, but I'm able to use my powers to keep myself from falling off before I was forced to jump onto a light post.

I watch as Wolverine "deals" with the brainwashed crowd. Four of the people throw a dumpster on Wolverine.

Wolverine slashes the dumpster in pieces and growls. "Who's first?! Come on!"

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