Oh, Love

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"I love you."

Yes, I love her.
I love Lisa Manoban.
I love her so much.

I can never stop thinking about her, she really does fill my mind each moment of the day, I have the funnest times with her.

I always feel like I'm always on cloud nine.

I know we've been together for only a little more than a few months, but it feels like I've known her for years, like as if I've known her for basically my whole life.

Falling in love does really hit you like a fucking truck, it is so sudden for real. 

It's so scary, so painful— so warm.

You never see it coming but it feels so very nice, like sitting and staring out a window while having a blanket wrapped around you as you drink a morning coffee, just admiring the view and enjoying every second of that one moment, that meaningful moment.

That's what I feel every single time I get to spend with her, I feel warmth. I feel comfortable, I feel another version of me and it's scary, but I love it.

I love it so much.

I don't know if I make her feel the same but if I do, I'm so glad that I do because she deserves to feel warmth, she deserves only the best things of this world, the happiness of this world, all the love of this entire world— no, she deserves everything but as the form of the universe. Anyone that stumbles upon her should give her the universe, absolutely nothing less— that's for sure.

She truly is one of a kind, no one– absolutely no one can make me feel the way she does, I mean that with my whole heart. She is absolutely amazing.

All I want is for her to be happy, all I want is for her to achieve every single dream and desire she wants from this universe.

Even if it's impossible, I want to try my best just for her to be #1 to herself.

To feel accomplished, to feel loved.

She truly understands me, she doesn't push me aside, she doesn't abuse me in the way I have been my whole life.

She's so gentle, she's so careful with me.

It's so surreal to me, like fuck—

I am the luckiest person in this universe.

As I always say to her— she is perfect, no one, not even her can tell me otherwise, she'll always be perfect to me.

"Hey, Lili, I really love you."

Is what I'll always say under any given circumstances we are in.

She is my now, my forever.

My everything.

Until death do us part.

Even after death, even if anything was to happen between us, I'll always continue to fall for her more and more.

That's for sure.

She will always be my number one.

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