Their smile

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Lisa's POV

I love my little chicken, I love her to death.

She is the only thing I have left after everything that has happened since that day,

I can't imagine a day without her,

I can't imagine waking up and seeing her adorable smile in the morning,

I can't imagine being here right now without her.

She is all I got right now and I'm happy to have her.

Lisa: "Chichu, it's time to go!"

Chichu: "Okay, I'll be right there!"

I heard her yell out to me.

After, I saw her run up to me and hug me and all I can do was hug her and kiss her cheek lovingly like I always do. It's just me and her. We got out the house and I drove us to where we had to go. I admired Chichu's side profile as it always brought back memories of the past.

An hour later

We walked to where we had to be at, hand in hand. Me and Chichu. We held the flowers with our free hand, Chichu knelt down and did her own thing as always. I just watched her and waited until she finished and I was spacing out, thinking to myself wondering how things would be right now if things went differently that day.

I was brought back to reality when I heard Chichu calling out to me to get my attention.

Chichu: "Mommy, Mommy, it's your turn!"

I smiled at Chichu and knelt down and laid the flowers gently on the ground, as I held my hands together and prayed in front of the tombstone that belongs to the person I miss and love the most, the mother chicken, my Jisoo.

Lisa: "Jisoo, I wish you were here with me to see how adorable our little Jin-Joo is, but sadly you aren't. She is 5 years old right now. She loves the nickname Chichu you gave her. She remembers a lot about you and I always tell her our stories together from the past before she goes to sleep, and she loves them. She even says she remembers your beautiful angelic singing voice, which I miss the most too, but I always ask myself if I will be a good mother to our Jin-Joo as she grows up, will I be? I don't know, but what I do know is I'll always be here for our little Jin-Joo, and I'll look forward to seeing her adorable cheeky smile every time of the day, and spend as much time as I can with her even if it kill me. Thank you for the beautiful gift of our Jin-Joo. I love you and miss you so much, Jisoo."

I got up and smiled at Jin-Joo and I had a feeling like she wanted to ask me something which I was actually right about.

Jin-Joo: "Mommy, Mommy! Can we get some ice cream, Pwease?"

I couldn't help but giggle and smile at the aegyo she just showed me, but I mean honestly, who can say no to a adorable little girl, I know I couldn't.

Lisa: "Yes, Yes, sure. You deserve it after all, My baby Chichu."

Jin-Joo: "Yay! Thank you, Mommy! I love you!"

Lisa: "I love you too, My baby."

I couldn't help but giggle again, and kiss her forehead, as I reached to hold onto her small hand tightly, but gently. We were walking back to the car I looked at little Jin-Joo and saw her smiling happily and excitedly ready for ice cream, I smiled and looked up to the beautiful blue sky, as I thought to myself.

Lisa: "Gosh, she has the exact same cheeky smile you had, Jisoo."

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