Li + Soo

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- Lisa's POV -

Me and Jisoo have been together for years, approximately 8 years together and 5 of those years are us being a married couple.

After Blackpink disbanded we decided to finally get our own house, we also went back to school together, I'm an engineer, while my lovely wife Jisoo is a doctor. I'm really luck and happy to be with her and but other than that guess what?!



I'm really happy and excited to be a mother, especially when I'll have Jisoo by my side every step of the way. I was shocked when I heard we were having a baby, but in the end it turned out we weren't just having a baby, but babies.

Well, when Jisoo first told me she surprised me while I was getting back from work, she was sitting on the bed in our room and when I entered into the room and there it said on a balloon "Welcome home, Soon-to-be Momma/Daddy Lisa." You don't know how happy I was when I heard the news. I ran around the house and room, while screaming at the top of my lungs saying "YES! YES! FINALLY!" I ran back to the room and tackled hugged Jisoo into the bed and yes, I was crying because I was waiting for this moment!

I told her how much I love her and I can't wait to see our baby girl or boy. That very night was a magical night for me and Jisoo, that very night I remember holding onto Jisoo tightly, but gently and having my hand over her tummy. Oh! Also, just to tell you if you are wondering how she got pregnant well, let's just say I have umm... "that" AHEM! WELL OTHER THAN THAT-

The next 2 weeks we decided to go to the doctor's for an ultrasound, while we were waiting I was literally so nervous, but I don't know why I was.

Maybe to see the baby? Most likely, haha but when we were finally called up and entered the room, our doctor was the one and only Kim Jennie, our not so tall mandu. She yas gotten a tiny bit taller, she is married to Rosé, not surprising, right? And they have a baby as well, his name is Min Joon, they are a very cute family if I do say so myself.

Anyways, while we were waiting for Jennie to start, she looked at us with a smirk planted on her face and says "So, you both lost it, huh? And this was the result." She was raising her eyesbrows repeatedly still with a smirk, I blushed so hard. How dare she tease us like that, but I answered with a nod.

Finally, after so long she began the ultrasound, she rubbed cream on Jisoo's tummy and placed the convex on her tummy and looked at the monitor, after a few minutes later Jennie's eyes widen and she smiled widely and turned to us as she said "Um, guys..?" I looked at her confused, as Jisoo did too, and I answered with "Yes, what is it?" She kept smiling and answered back excitedly "Um, it's not only one baby.. but two of them!"

My eyes widen as she said that and my heart raced faster, I looked at Jisoo as she looked back at me and I said really happily "Two babies!" Jisoo smiled and I saw tears as she became emotional and I heard her respond back "Two babies, I'm so happy" I hugged her at that moment and I held her tightly, but gently as I did the night she told me she was pregnant. I placed my hand over her stomach, caressing it gently and stared at it while I thought to myself "Wow, there will be two of you. I'm so happy, I will love you both equally. Please believe in me, my babies.."

9 months later here we are right now in the hospital room. Jisoo was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed while I was seated on the chair next to her watching over her.

I stared at her beautiful yet sweaty face, I wiped her sweat off and I won't lie these past 9 months were very scary for me. There was many things going on with Jisoo like her appetite, her sexual desires, and especially the worst of all.. her mood swings. I was so scared for myself because of one moment.

So this is what happened, me and Jisoo had gone to a cafe together because she wanted to walk around town and well when we were seated at a table the waitress was being "flirty" with me and Jisoo got really jealous, but the jealousy was extreme because of the mood swing and long story short..

If I hadn't stopped Jisoo from attacking the waitress, most likely that waitress would of ended in the hospital, and also that day I also had to sleep on the couch because Jisoo had told me to sleep there, heh.. even after all that, I love her so much each and every day, no one can EVER change that!

- Next Morning -

I had fallen asleep last night recalling our memories of the past 9 months, but I was woken up by Jisoo's scream, I looked at her so worried, as I took her hand into mine and I asked her "What's wrong, love!?" She looked at me with a pained face and said "They're coming, Lisa! Call a doctor please!" My eyes widen and I ran out the room and told a nurse that Jisoo was on the verge of labor.

The nurse nodded and ran to get a doctor, I ran back into the room and went by Jisoo's side and held her hand, she gripped my hand hard, but it was okay with me. She was in pain after all, so I didn't mind it.

A few seconds later a female doctor ran inside the room and was preparing, she had the nurses prepare all the equipment needed and that's where the magic started. All it was for the past 7-8 hours was SinB being told to push, she would push and grip more harshly on my hand and I would try to comfort her with words, and that's all it was.

After those 8 hours Jisoo finally did it and there they were. Our two babies being held by a doctor and nurse. The doctor looked at us and said; "Congratulations, they are two beautiful healthy girls."

The nurse and doctor placed both our baby girls on each of Jisoo's arms, I saw Jisoo getting emotional and she cried, I couldn't help, but get emotional myself. I kissed Jisoo's forehead, while tears ran down my face and whispered to her "Good job, my love."

She smiled at me, while her tears as well were rolling down her cheeks, and I gladly wiped those tears for her and after that wiped mine as well.

Minutes later, while me and Jisoo admired and talked sweetly to our two baby girls, we were interrupted by the doctor who had asked us "So, if I may ask. What will you be naming these two babies?" Me and Jisoo looked at each other and shrugged since we haven't talked about that actually. I thought to myself again "Wait, I got the perfect names for them.."

I looked at the doctor and simply said "Lili and Soohyun" I looked back at Jisoo and smiled as I took her hand into mine and explained why "Lily and Soohyun is perfect because both of them will have part of our names Lili for Lisa, Soohyun for Jisoo. I know it's cheesy, it reminds me of when we were in Balckpink as well. I thought it would be great because Li + Soo would always be Lisoo no matter what" I kept smiling and looking at Jisoo.

Jisoo smiled back at me and looked at our two daughters as she kissed them both on the forehead as I heard her say "Lili and Soohyun, huh? I love it, It's perfect. Hi, Lili and Soohyun. I'm your Mommy Jisoo and that over there who just named you the two of you is your Momma/Daddy Lisa. I love you both, I can't wait to see you both grow to be amazing people." Jisoo said as she kissed them both again on their foreheads.

Jisoo looked at me smiling, I smiled more widely and pecked Jisoo on the lips, but now it was my turn to hold our daughters in my arms, as I finally held them in my arms, I kissed our new born daughters on the forehead too and whispered to them both "Welcome to the world, Li and Soo. I love you both so much, my precious LiSoo babies."

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