I'm sorry!!

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Years have passed since the incident Lisa made. She hurt Jisoo badly. She left to America to study, but she left Jisoo with no explanation at all. She regrets it, but now after 6 years she is ready to make Jisoo hers all over again. This time she won't give up on Jisoo without a fight.

Lisa is currently at the airport, she had just came back from studying abroad. She is back to claim the girl she left 6 years ago. Lisa patiently waits for her childhood best friend to come to pick her up from the airport. As she waits she hears her name being called out by her childhood best friend Rosé.

Rosé runs up to Lisa and Lisa smiles as she stands up she gets tackled hugged by her best friend. "Woah!!" Lisa yells out as she almost fell but gained her balance back quickly. "What was that for, you Chipmunk!" Lisa yelled at Rosé, but after smiled as she saw Rosé pout. "YAH! DON'T CALL ME A CHIPMUNK! Also, I just missed you.. I mean we haven't seen each other for 6 years.. I just got excited, I'm sorry.." Rosé said as she looked down fidgeting both her pointer fingers together trying to act cute. "Don't you dare try to act cute on me now, Rosé. It's gross to look at." Lisa said. "Tch, It's not like yours is any better, Lisa. Whatever, let's just go now." Rosé glares at Lisa before she helps Lisa carry her luggage to the car Rosé came in.

After the whole car ride full of singing, dancing and catching up with each other they finally arrive to Rosé and Jennie's house. Lisa learned that Rosé got married to Jennie 2 years after she left and a year later adopted a 3 year old girl named Ruby. She also learned that Jisoo is now model and a vocal instructor in YG. Lisa could only nod and look out the widow of the car. Lisa couldn't help but think that she will meet Jisoo again, or at least she wanted to, but she knows the latter wouldn't like to see her at all, but she has to try no matter what.

As they entered the house Lisa couldn't help but smile at the adorable 6 year old who screamed out "Mommy!!" as she ran up to Rosé and hugged her. "Hey, sweetie! Where is Mama?" Rosé said happily as she kissed the little girl's cheek. "Oh! She is in the kitchen." Ruby said and giggled. Ruby looked at Lisa and tilted her head slightly confused. "Mommy, who is that?" Ruby said still confused as she looked at Lisa. Rosé just smiled and giggled at the girl's cute confused face. "This is my childhood best friend, Lisa Manoban! She just came back from America today." Rosé said. Lisa smiled and waved to Ruby "Hello, Ruby. I'm your Chipmunk Mommy's best friend. Please call me Lisa Unnie if you want." Lisa said politely and smiled wider as she saw Ruby giggle and nodded happily and smiled excitedly. "YAH!" Rosé said glared at Lisa, making both Ruby and Lisa laugh.

After the introduction between Ruby and Lisa. They all walk to the kitchen to where Jennie is at the moment. As they arrive at the kitchen they stand watching the bunny cooking. They stay silent until Rosé breaks it and says "Honey, I'm home and look at what I brought with me!" Jennis being too occupied continues to cook without looking back "Yeah, yeah. I know it's another of your sweet love letters. Just put them in a vase, You keep writing these le–" As Jennie kept complaining she got interrupted by Lisa. "Wow, I can't believe Jennie-Unnie hasn't missed or want to look at me, sheesh still the rude Jennie-Unnie you are." Lisa said, as she pouted sadly, but jokingly. Jennie froze and slowly turned her head as she saw the familiar face of her friend, the face she hasn't seen for 6 years, "OMG, LISA!!" Jennie turned the stove off and quickly ran to Lisa giving her a hug. "I MISSED YOU! YOU ARE WAY BETTER THAN THE CHEESY LOVE LETTERS ROSÉ ALWAYS WRITES FOR ME!" Lisa and Ruby giggled and Rosé sadly pouted "Hmph." Jennie looks at Rosé and hugs her by the waist. "I'm sorry, Baby~ It was just a joke, I will always love the cheesy love letters you write for me." Jennie kissed Rosé's cheek as Rosé blushed and nodded happily. Lisa being Lisa, she pretended to throw up and said as she covered Ruby's eyes "Ew, get a room you two love birds, sheesh there is a child here. So, keep it PG rated!."

After a few hours both Lisa and Rosé sat on the couch and just talked as for Ruby and Jennie they were playing and minding their own business on the floor by the window. "So, how was America? I thought you couldn't come back for another 2-3 years?" Rosé asks Lisa. "To be honest, it was great. I was having a blast, but I had to come back.." Lisa said sadly as she looked down at the floor. "Why..?" Rosé asked her. Lisa looked up from the floor, She looked at Rosé and said, "I came back for Jisoo. Yes, I did have a good time in America. Yes, I was there to make my dream come true for me and her, but Jisoo was the only thing running through my head all these years.. I came back to make her mine again." Lisa said sincerely and seriously. After hearing Lisa's confession Rosé's eyes widen and her face turned serious. "Lisa." Rosé said. "You can't just come back here and say that. Jisoo is happy now, don't ruin it for her, Please.." Rosé said sadly. "I'm sorry, Rosé. I want her, I need her. Please, just please let me be selfish this once and court her.. I missed her so much, I want to explain to her everything.. Please just let me.. Please.." Lisa begged as she kneeled down the floor facing the floor as she almost cried. Rosé deeply sighed, she couldn't see her best friend like this, it pained her and she told Lisa to stand. "Fine, but if you hurt her again, I swear I will end you for hurting her twice, Lisa." Rosé said sternly, Lisa at this moment was afraid of the Chipmunk, and nodded repeatedly in fear. "Y-Yes, Ma'am." Lisa said as she saluted still a little scared, she didn't want to anger the Chipmunk more so she stayed quiet until Rosé handed her a paper that had something written on it. Lisa looked at paper and opened the paper to see a address written on it, Lisa looked at Rosé confused. Rosé looked back at Lisa and simply said "It's Jisoo's Address." Lisa's eyes widen "WHA-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she had choked on her own spit. Rosé laughed at Lisa and said "Gosh, you haven't changed at all these past years, Well, come on, go now, she is at her house. She usually gets out of work at this time." Lisa nodded and got up as she ran up over to Jennie who was still playing with Ruby and Lisa quickly asked Jennie, "Can I borrow your car, Jennie? Please?" Jennie nodded "Sure, but-" She gave Lisa the keys to her car as Lisa quickly took them and ran out the house. The last thing Jennie could hear Lisa say was "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, SORRY JEN!" Lisa quickly leaves and makes her way to the car, she is now on her way to Jisoo's house as she holds a present of the past she had got for the love of her life, Jisoo.


Sorry for the late update, I've been busy with a big Spanish project recently, but to repay my lateness I'm updating twice today! uwu

Question of the day:

What's your thoughts on the chapters so far? :3

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