What I feel for you at 3 AM

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It's been 5 hours since Lisa and Jisoo have been gaming together. They always have the most blast with one another especially on their "date nights" which are usually scheduled on Fridays.

They are seeing each other, they have been for the last 6 months and they met through a gaming server that Lisa's best friend Bam Bam created. Lisa lives in Thailand and Jisoo lives in South Korea.

They play together and right now they are playing with one another, speaking through a voice chat.

Lisa: Ah damn, we almost had them!

Jisoo laughs at Lisa's little frustration, as Lisa laughs right after as well.

Jisoo: We did almost get them, but that's okay, we at least placed 2nd place. We did great!

Lisa smiles as she sighs in content.

Lisa: Yeah you're right, number 2 winners, I can't believe we placed 2nd place for 3 rounds straight, it's funny.

Lisa chuckles and so does Jisoo.

Jisoo: It really is crazy, we really are meant for only 2nd place.

Jisoo looks at the time and her eyes widen as she gasps. Lisa hears this and gets worried.

Lisa: Babe, are you okay? Did something happen?

Jisoo: Yes, yes, sorry everything is okay but it's literally almost 3 AM for you already, Lili

Lisa looks at the time as her eyes widen a bit and she laughs.

Lisa: Wow— the time really does go by fast when I'm having the best times, especially with you, babe.

Jisoo's eyes widen hearing Lisa say that, she blushed as silence took over the voice chat they both had open, Lisa smiles knowing Jisoo is probably blushing right now, but she says nothing.

Jisoo: W-Well.. maybe y-you should sleep now

Jisoo slightly hits her head as she thinks to herself "You stuttered, you dummy." and on the other end, Lisa smiles slightly then pouts.

Lisa: Noooo, I don't wanna, I love spending time with you and please you're one to talk, it's literally really late for you.

Jisoo chuckles and shakes her head.

Jisoo: You're being stubborn once again, Lili. You have to stop that, you really should sleep, you can't keep staying up just for me and for your information, I rested before gaming with you, which I told you to do as well but you didn't.

Lisa continued to pout, she put up her phone and turned her camera on, showing her pouting face to Jisoo.

Lisa: But Chichu..

Jisoo chuckles and shakes her head.

Jisoo: Don't you dare "Chichu" me with that adorable pouty face of yours, Lisa. Go to sleep now, you need to rest.

Lisa sighs in defeat and nods.

Lisa: Alright, alright. I'll go to sleep then.. before that, will we play again tomorrow?

Jisoo smiles.

Jisoo: Yes, we can play tomorrow, now go to sleep.

Lisa smiles widely and cheers. Jisoo sees this from the screen and smiles as well.

Lisa: Yes! Let's get our wins tomorrow then.

Jisoo: Yes, let's get those wins tomorrow.

Jisoo continues to smile and softly says.

Jisoo: Goodnight, love.

Lisa hears the softness in Jisoo's voice and she melts.

Lisa: Goodnight, Chichu, I love you. Sleep well and dream beautiful dreams.

Jisoo blushes hearing those three words as they ring in her head, the emotions spiraling up in her heart. On the other side, Lisa is smiling softly, she doesn't ever expect it back because she knows Jisoo's past, but the unthinkable happened that very morning. Jisoo turned on her camera and Lisa watched Jisoo. She was starting to worry as Jisoo looked slightly afraid, but it all washed away after what Jisoo said.

Jisoo: I love you, Lisa.

At exactly 3 AM Lisa hears those words she never expected at all. The way her heart exploded in happiness, the way she knew how much those exact loving words meant to her, but mostly to Jisoo. Lisa stared at the camera shocked, she was a blushing mess and Jisoo knows it just from the expression and redness in Lisa's face. She would be lying if she said she wasn't malfunctioning herself, but Jisoo meant those words with her whole heart.

At that moment, Jisoo not only said those 4 words, she gave her all to Lisa and she couldn't be any more happier. She and her heart chose their forever person.

In the end, Lisa was never able to sleep, she was talking to the person she loves, the forever person who also loves her as well.

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