Chapter 5: A New Purpose

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Following the display of his exceptional abilities, he found himself whisked away to a place  known as The United States, the precise location of which eluded him. It had been intended for him to journey to Tokyo, the headquarters of Kingdom, but alas, the distance proved too great a hurdle to overcome. Consequently, he was directed towards the United States, a land that housed yet another organization that enjoyed the support of Kingdom Corp -  Valorant.


As Ranesk made his journey towards the United States, he received a detailed account of Valorant's composition and modus operandi. His blood boiled  upon learning that the group included several Radiants - beings that Ranesk held in the utmost contempt. Initially, he was disinclined to join forces with such individuals until a stark truth was made clear to him: this was his only legal recourse to hunt down and eliminate certain Radiants scattered across the globe. However, the world at large viewed these abominations as equals, a fact that Ranesk found hard to reconcile with his own beliefs

. Nevertheless, there was a silver lining to the arrangement: he was promised weapons of his own choosing if he agreed to participate in the protocol. And so, with a heavy heart, he acquiesced to the terms. Ranesk parted ways with his cherished Bolter and chainsword, surrendering them for inspection by the Kingdom. In return, they would either upgrade his trusty arms or furnish him with new ones that were superior in every way, if such a thing was even possible.


USA, Atlanta Airport.

Ranesk disembarked from the AC130, which had descended upon the land under cover of darkness. Alongside him were his "escorts," as they were designated - individuals charged with safeguarding the VIP. His very presence was shrouded in secrecy, for both the US and British governments deemed it so.

 As he stepped onto the tarmac, Ranesk was greeted by a peculiar figure donning an orange cap, flanked by a woman who sported a suit that bore a passing resemblance to the garb of the Officio Assassinorum of the Imperium. These, he was informed, were the founders of the organization he had come to join. Though he could have sworn that there were three founders, he decided that the matter was inconsequential.

 "Ranesk, huh? cool name, heard you're a good shot, good to meet you" remarked the man with the orange cap, extending a hand in greeting. Ranesk merely regarded the outstretched hand with a steely gaze. His distaste for those who cooperated with psyk..radiants was an unshakeable aspect of his character. Yet, he had been urged repeatedly to conceal his feelings for the time being. And so, he resolved to make the attempt.

 "Yes, it is good to meet you too" he replied in a flat tone.


The organization known as Valorant was the brainchild of three individuals - Liam, Omen and Sabine. Over time, they had recruited a formidable cadre of skilled personnel, including a host of radiants who had proven their mettle. However, the arrival of Ranesk was an exceptional circumstance. It was Kingdom Corp that had recommended him to Valorant, and upon reviewing his dossier, both Liam and Sabine found themselves unimpressed with the individual in question. Yet, there was no denying the captivating nature of his file, which teemed with accounts that bordered on the incredulous.

Name: Ranesk ??? ???

Sex: Male

Origin: Unknown, identified as "Fleet-based"

Age: At least 240+

Physical Profile:

Possesses extraordinary physical strength, capable of lifting objects in excess of 5 tons with moderate effort

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