Chapter 9: Cruelty Commands Submission

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Alpha, Unknown island

In the wake of the tumultuous mission, Reyna found herself promptly sequestered from her compatriots, the grueling events that had transpired taking an undeniable toll on both her and those who had been privy to her harrowing ordeal. Viper was nowhere to be found, and nary a word was spoken on her behalf, owing to the unfortunate consequences wrought by Reyna's actions.

Brimstone and a host of other agents accosted Ranesk, demanding that he elucidate upon the motivations behind Reyna's seemingly irrational behavior. The composed operative offered a stoic rejoinder, 'Listen to the radio logs again, and you will know'. When queried regarding the injury sustained by the captive mirror agent, Ranesk simply stated that she had taken a shot to the leg before efficiently applying a tourniquet and proceeding to depart without further ado.

Meanwhile, the injured mirror agent remained unconscious, requiring the utmost care in order to untangle the ragged remnants of her severed limb. As the gruesome task was carried out amidst a shroud of unhygienic conditions, it was noted that Ranesk's methodology had been unduly savage and excessive, the implications of which would not soon be forgotten.


Viper's eyes slowly fluttered open, her body still wracked with aching pain. Surveying her form, she couldn't help but fixate upon her left leg, a testament to the brutal treatment she had endured at the hands of that... thing. The experience had been nothing short of traumatic, seared into her consciousness like a white-hot brand.

Glancing about her sterile surroundings, Viper found herself ensconced within the confines of a hospital bed, the only solace provided by the dull hum of neon lights and the cold embrace of metal-gray walls.

As she pondered the enigmatic giant she had faced, her thoughts were jolted by the sudden whir of an automatic door sliding open. In strode a familiar figure, bedecked in his trademark garb of a resplendent white coat and eye-catching hat.

Through gritted teeth, Viper struggled to croak out Cypher's name, her weakened state belying the intensity of her emotions.

"Cypher," she rasped, as he strode into view, his presence eliciting a visceral reaction from the beleaguered agent.

"Sabine," he greeted her, his words laced with a palpable enthusiasm that only served to stoke her ire.

"Do not address me as if I belong in this world," she hissed, her tone laced with a bitter resentment that only served to deepen the divide between them.

"Fair enough," Cypher relented, "I'll cut to the chase. What's your endgame with the Radianite you've been stealing? Aside from your little life support and reality stabilizer projects, that is."

"Nothing," Sabine replied, her voice devoid of any discernible emotion.

"Is that so?" Cypher pressed, a hint of skepticism creeping into his words. "Because the intel we recovered from that terminal seemed to suggest otherwise. Plans for Radianite-based WMDs, for example."

Viper visibly quavered at this revelation, her stoicism faltering in the face of such damning evidence. With a resigned sigh, she braced herself for the worst.

"You're not getting anything out of me," she declared, her voice weak and strained. "Just do it."

"Do what?" Cypher retorted, his tone nonchalant as ever. "Who said anything about killing anyone?"


Sabine was taken aback by the unexpected reception. She had anticipated a grisly fate of torture and death, but here she was, receiving an almost cordial treatment.

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