Chapter 34: Enforcing Law

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For two days now, the streets of Manila have been awash with the seething fury of rebellion, a torrent of violence that has spread like wildfire from door to door, building to building, and room to room. The forces that sought to liberate the city from the iron grip of those who would exploit the chaos have found themselves engaged in a bitter struggle against an enemy unlike any they had ever faced before.

It was clear to all who bore witness to this carnage that this was no ordinary riot, no mere uprising born out of righteous indignation. No, this was something far more insidious, a calculated and deliberate assault on the very heart of the city itself. The fires that blazed forth from every corner of Manila seemed to blot out the sun itself, a sickly orange glow that spoke of a darkness beyond reckoning.

The conflagration had ravaged countless police precincts, leaving naught but the bastion of the SWAT headquarters standing tall amidst the ashes. The righteous few who manned this stronghold bore the weight of the city's fate upon their shoulders, with a quartet of valorant agents and a Retributor Astartes at the fore. From their position of command, they marshaled an army of one thousand souls, ready to purge the streets of the detritus that had infested them. A cleansing fire had been unleashed upon the city.


Valorant Task Force

"C'mon now, look at all this mess around you? What's the point of even enforcing the law around here?" scoffed one of the looters, his eyes scanning the fiery ruins of the once towering skyscrapers.

"Zip it, scumbag," retorted a cold SWAT operator, his eyes flickering with disdain.

The forces led by the agents moved with an efficiency that was impressive, Compared to Ranesk's force. They were quick on their feet and more discerning in their approach, opting to take in more prisoners than they did to draw blood. Despite the temptation that gnawed at the SWAT operatives to deal out justice to those who had looted and plundered, they were held back by the agents, particularly Neon, who emphasized the need for restraint and capture.

Neon barked into her radio, "Status!"

"All clear," the SWAT operatives replied in unison.

Neon turned to her radio once more and asked, "What's the situation over there, Breach?"

Breach responded, "Nothing major. We've had a few demolitions here and there, but not many firefights. These bastards like to hide in mansions. Sova's really making things easy for us, especially with that pesky bow. Ha!"

Neon couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "Alright then," she replied.

As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Neon cast her eyes over the desolation that lay before her. Amidst the wreckage, a group of prisoners stood captured, their faces etched with disappointment at the sight of law enforcement still active in the midst of such chaos. In the distance, Jett worked in concert with the SWAT officers, utilizing her radiant powers to survey the block ahead.

Yet it was Reyna who drew Neon's gaze. Motionless and unresponsive, she hadn't fired a single shot since the operation began. Her stare was fixed on something beyond the devastation that surrounded them, as if privy to some secret knowledge she wasn't willing to share. No anger, no sadness, no emotion of any kind. It was a peculiar sight that left Neon with an unsettling feeling, and she couldn't help but wonder what was going through Reyna's mind.

"Reyna?" Neon called out softly, snapping Reyna out of her trance.

Reyna proffered a strained smile and retorted, "I am in good health. Just lost in thought." Neon acknowledged her statement with a nod, sensing that there was more to Reyna's demeanor than met the eye. However, Neon opted not to probe any further, surmising that it was likely a private matter that Reyna was disinclined to divulge.

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