Chapter 18: Visions Of Apocalypse

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Valorant Headquarters, Alpha

The agents maintained their watchful vigil, foregoing slumber until the first light of dawn pierced the darkness. With each passing hour, they indulged in the pleasures of cinematic artistry and engaging diversions. Amidst the revelry, Ranesk opted for discourse with Brimstone, their exchange focused on the welfare of Tyberos and prospects for forthcoming endeavors.

Yet, their strategic discussions yielded few conclusive insights, and Tyberos remained in a despondent state, consumed by the harrowing reality of a realm where the Void Father held no sway.

Nonetheless, the situation persisted unchanged. Another day devoid of conflict, another day where Ranesk's bolter would remain idle. The once-fearsome bite of his chainsword had long since ceased, and remarkably, he found himself unperturbed by the lack of action.


Brimstone sat in his office, savouring the rich flavour of his coffee. It was an unfamiliar feeling, an unaccustomed luxury to have no papers strewn across his desk. He was thoroughly enjoying the serene ambiance when Viper barged in, jolting him from his peace with her sudden intrusion.

" Brimstone, with me, now." she demanded without preamble. "Fade has a vision."

The mention of Fade's visions didn't perturb Brimstone much. Usually, the premonitions were rooted in the anxieties of the agents or targeted individuals, procuring intelligence for their missions. So, Brimstone was curious as to why Viper appeared so agitated by this particular vision.

"What makes this one so different?" Brimstone queried, his voice laced with a tinge of intrigue.

Viper didn't mince words, and her response was delivered with an air of urgency. "Ranesk is featured in the vision," 

Brimstone's coffee cup froze midway between his lips and the table as he swiveled his chair around to face Viper. He blinked a few times, seeking to process this unexpected development. Eventually, he let out a resigned sigh and placed his coffee on the desk.

"Alright" he acquiesced.


Brimstone trailed Viper as they made their way to the chamber where Fade was ensconced, still mulling over the gravity of Viper's earlier words.

"Tell me again," Brimstone probed, seeking clarity. "What exactly did she see?"

Viper remained silent for a prolonged moment, maintaining a rigid posture as they progressed through the maze-like facility. Brimstone felt an increasing sense of unease as Viper's reticence continued.

"I think it's better if you see for yourself," Viper eventually responded, her voice taut with trepidation.

Entering the room, Brimstone expected to find Fade in her usual impassive state. But the sight that greeted them was harrowing. Fade was a disheveled mess, trembling uncontrollably, her eyes bloodshot and manic, clutching a glass of water and wrapped in a towel like a patient in a mental institution.

Brimstone approached Fade, his heart heavy with concern and dread. Viper sat nearby, ready to offer solace in case of a panic attack or a psychological breakdown.

"Fade," Brimstone stammered, not daring to believe what he was seeing. "What did you see?"

Fade's gaze flicked towards Brimstone, slowly focusing on his features. Her bloodshot eyes seemed to search his face for a few moments, her trembling hands still clutching the glass of water.

But her response was garbled and fragmented, her mind unable to articulate the magnitude of what she had seen.

"I saw an apocalypse, a war," whispered Fade, her voice shaking with terror."The world was nothing but destruction, the sky awash in red from the fires below. Radiant and human corpses alike  littered every inch of the land. I...I..." She trailed off, overcome with emotion. 

Viper placed a comforting hand on her back and turned to Brimstone. "That's enough for now. Let Fade rest. Brimstone, let's talk in private." 

 "Ranesk," murmured Fade, causing both Viper and Brimstone to turn to her. 

 "What about him?" inquired Viper.

"He was there," said Fade, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"Standing on a pile of Radiant corpses, wielding that...that chainsaw thing. Surrounded by soldiers holding the heads of mutilated Radiants. And that thing...that appeared in Norway, with Ranesk beside it, claws dripping with blood and the entrails of people hanging from it. And ...he was holding Sage's mutilated corpse while standing on the bodies of multiple Valorant agents." 

Brimstone stumbled back, a mix of horror and anger rising within him. He couldn't believe that the seemingly innocuous Ranesk, who had taken time to tolerate Radiants, could be capable of such brutality.

"But Ranesk said he had no ill intent towards Radiants. Why would he do such a thing?"

Brimstone demanded, turning to Fade.However, Fade only stared off into space, lost in the chaos of her mind. It was clear that she was in no state to provide any further information.Brimstone sighed, feeling pity for Fade. Despite his curiosity, he knew that having an unstable member within the Valorant team would be dangerous. 

 "That's enough for now. Let's let Fade rest and talk more about this at a later time," he said to Viper.

 But before he could say anything more, Fade reacted violently. Her Radiant powers scattered throughout the room, knocking Viper away. Brimstone quickly moved to help, but Viper was already tending to Fade, wrapping her arms around her to prevent her from causing any more harm with her powers.

Brimstone jumped back at the violent reaction from Fade, he was getting the gist that he should not have her that in the first place. He looked on in fear and anxiety as Fade was shaking and flailing even while Viper was trying to restrain her. 

"I WILL NOT REMEMBER IT AGAIN! IF I WILL TELL YOU THIS, I WILL TELL YOU NOW AND NEVER AGAIN!" Fade's voice echoed through the room in a piercing scream, her eyes streaming with tears and her entire form quivering with terror. Her radiant powers spilled uncontrollably from her body as Viper struggled to keep her restrained.


Brimstone's heart raced with dread as he struggled to process the ghastly words spilling out of Fade's mouth. He had known that her mental state was fragile, but this was a level of horror that transcended mere instability.



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