Chapter 25: Break

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In the aftermath of Ranesk's confrontation with Chamber regarding his fruitless quest for Viper's affections, the air between them remained tense. Despite Chamber's profuse apologies and apparent lack of animosity, Ranesk's suspicion lingered like a foul odor, convinced that there was more to this man than met the eye.

In due course, Brimstone approached Chamber, demanding an explanation for his outburst. To the surprise of all, Chamber relayed the incident with uncharacteristic honesty, belying his otherwise inscrutable nature. It was as if he had presented a facade of congeniality to his fellow protocol members, concealing some deeper secret beneath the surface.


Valorant Headquarters, Alpha

Upon learning of Tyberos' unexpected desire to witness the vast expanse of the Pacific, Ranesk promptly made his way to Brimstone's office. It was an audacious request, to say the least - a vacation of all things - but if it could assuage Tyberos' sorrow, then Ranesk would not hesitate to make it happen.


The door to Brimstone's office groaned softly as it opened, revealing the formidable figure of Ranesk, clad in a gargantuan T-shirt bearing the emblem of Valorant. Brimstone curled an eyebrow at the sight, watching as Ranesk stooped to avoid cracking the threshold. It was a rare sight, to say the least - Ranesk had never approached him before, let alone ventured into his sanctum.

"Need something?" Brimstone inquired, taking a sip of his coffee.

Ranesk was curt in his reply. "Vacation."

Brimstone nearly choked on his coffee, the hot liquid lingering on his lips as he gaped at Ranesk in disbelief. Where had this behemoth of war learned such a concept?

"Vacation?" Brimstone repeated, hoping he had misheard. But Ranesk confirmed his request once more, leaving Brimstone to ponder his options. They had just rid themselves of a long-standing problem that had kept the protocol perpetually busy. Perhaps some rest and relaxation was in order.

"What do you have in mind?" Brimstone queried.

"The Pacific," Ranesk stated matter-of-factly, his arms crossed.

"For what purpose?" Brimstone inquired.

"Tyberos wishes to see it, and I believe it would greatly uplift his spirits if we were to go," Ranesk replied.

Brimstone saw no reason to refuse. After a brief discussion, they settled on Hawaii, where a Kingdom Facility was stationed. It was a welcome respite, a chance for the protocol to unwind and rejuvenate after the bloodbath they had seen.

Brimstone uttered, "I'll inform the rest," to which Ranesk merely nodded and exited without a word. Brimstone collapsed onto his seat, drawing in a deep breath to dispel any notion that he was hallucinating. Of all the denizens within his purview, Ranesk was the last he expected to request for a vacation. His mind whirled with the improbability of it all.

A semblance of relief washed over Brimstone as he swiveled his chair towards his desk, his fingers tapping against the computer keys. The prospect of Ranesk requesting to obliterate something was a far grimmer alternative. Nevertheless, Brimstone still found it difficult to conceive of the notion of reclining on a sun-kissed shore with a tranquil mind. But Ranesk's decisive decimation of the Omega agents granted him that very possibility.


Ranesk emerged from the hallway, his footsteps echoing a dull thud against the metallic flooring as he made his way to Brimstone's sanctum. The rest of the squad lounged about, their demeanor one of ease and leisure. Cypher and Phoenix engaged in the age-old game of chess, their moves deliberate and measured. Yoru, ever the image of vanity, was preoccupied with combing his raven locks. Jett, meanwhile, was absorbed in the digital world, her phone a constant companion. Raze and Killjoy slumbered in each other's embrace, their peaceful repose a stark contrast to the palpable tension that lingered in the air.

Jett tore her gaze away from her phone and addressed Ranesk, her curiosity piqued. "What'd you discuss with Brimstone, Ranesk?" she inquired, her tone laced with intrigue.

Ranesk looked at her. "That is for Brimstone to announce," he replied brusquely before retreating to the sanctity of his quarters. The metallic hiss of the closing door served as an auditory punctuation mark to his statement.

Meanwhile, Killjoy stirred from her slumber, a small puddle of saliva having formed on her hoodie where Raze had rested. With a chuckle and a sigh, she nudged Raze to wake her up, gently rolling her over to allow for a proper stretch.

The remaining agents exchanged curious glances, all aware that whenever Ranesk had an audience with Brimstone, it always boded ill tidings. Their minds raced with possibilities, each one more dire than the last. It seemed another mission, likely fraught with danger and conflict, loomed on the horizon.

The softer tread of footsteps echoed down the hallway, heralding the arrival of Brimstone himself. As he strode into the living quarters, the agents turned to him with eager anticipation, silently urging him to divulge whatever Ranesk had said.

With a heavy sigh, Brimstone delivered his words with characteristic bluntness. "We're headed off on a little jaunt," he declared, prompting a chorus of relieved cheers from the assembled agents.

After everything they'd been through, they were in desperate need of a break. But Brimstone wasn't finished yet. With a wry twist of his lips, he added, "At Ranesk's behest, no less."

The cheering died down in an instant, replaced by stunned silence as the agents stared at Brimstone in disbelief. Ranesk, of all people, requesting a vacation? The notion was almost too ludicrous to be believed.

Phoenix was the first to find his voice, his tone incredulous as he demanded, "You're not serious, are you?"

"I'm serious," Brimstone replied, his expression unreadable. "Pack your bags, everyone. We're off to Hawaii." The agents exchanged incredulous looks, struggling to process the idea of Ranesk voluntarily taking time off from his endless urge of death and destruction. But despite their misgivings, they knew better than to question a vacation. And if it meant a trip to the beaches of Hawaii, well, they certainly weren't going to complain.


The shade lord was seated in his usual corner of the Alpha quarters, Ranesk spoke quietly to Tyberos, his words heavy with significance. The former Chapter Master had been feeling the weight of the unfortunate reality he had found himself in, and so he had sought out the counsel of Ranesk, the Astartes who had gone used to the reality where the Imperium did not exist.

"I spoke to Brimstone," Ranesk began, his voice measured and steady, "about the possibility of a trip to the Pacific. Specifically, we'll be heading to an island called Hawaii."

Tyberos, his emotions obscured by the unyielding shell of his terminator helm, simply nodded in response. Ranesk couldn't help but wonder if his brother truly craved some peace and respite, or if this was merely a way to cope with the grim reality of the Emperor's absence.

"I believe it is in two days, Brother," Ranesk continued, his gaze fixed on Tyberos as he spoke. "It will be a welcome sight as Brimstone has claimed."

But despite his words, Ranesk couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. He knew that all of the current struggles for the protocol had all but disappeared from that single operation. It was simply unfathomable for Ranesk to not worry about conflict.

As he looked at Tyberos, he wondered what was going through the red wake's mind. Did he share Ranesk's doubts, or was he truly looking forward to this unexpected break? Ranesk could not say for certain, but he knew that this destination could perhaps ease Tyberos from his sorrow .

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