Chapter 19: No Reason To Hate

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Alaska, Chugach State Park, Alpha

8 days since arrival

Omega Agents

The odyssey had been arduous, but the agents appeared to derive some semblance of enjoyment from their voyage. In contrast to Omega, where they were lionized as veritable champions and even had their own comic books, the Valorant Agents on Alpha conducted themselves with the utmost discretion. For reasons shrouded in mystery, not even the agents themselves knew the full extent of the clandestine organization they served. The only scrap of information available to the public was that the Protocol was established to tackle unforeseen threats.

On the fifth day of their expedition, the agents' provisions had been depleted. Reduced to scrounging for sustenance, they hunted the elusive moose and scoured the countryside for any available provisions. Their peculiar behavior was often regarded as the eccentricities of oddball tourists by the locals.


The sun rose with tentative warmth, casting long shadows across the snow-burdened landscape. The agents slumbered, their bodies inert and oblivious, save for Sova who manned the wheel with practiced ease. The others had offered to take over, but Sova had politely declined, citing his enjoyment of long drives.

From the passenger seat, Phoenix stirred with a drawn-out yawn, stretching his arms and blinking away the last vestiges of sleep. "Morning, bro," he murmured groggily, his feet buried beneath a growing mountain of empty soda cans and energy drink containers. "How much longer we got?"

Sova's lips quirked in a wry smile. "Another four or five days at this pace," he replied evenly. "Good morning."

Phoenix nodded, staring out the window as the snowbound panorama whizzed past in a blur of white and green. His gaze drifted to the three other agents sprawled in the back seat, their faces slack with slumber. "Gotta admit," he said at last, "this is the most relaxing mission we've ever been on... despite the seriousness of it all."

Sova's expression grew solemn. "Enjoy it while it lasts," he warned softly. "Once we reach that island, we'll need to be all business."

Phoenix took another swig of soda, his mind mulling over the implications of Sova's words. "Yeah," he murmured, "maybe."

The other agents in the back stirred to life, rubbing their eyes and stretching their limbs. Skye, however, remained fast asleep, her head lolling against the cold glass of the passenger window. A thin trail of drool escaped her lips, glistening in the muted light.


Valorant Headquarters, Alpha

With Fade's disturbing visions still fresh in his mind, Brimstone wasted no time in seeking out Ranesk. The urgency in his step and the intensity in his gaze betrayed the gravity of the situation. He had to take extreme measures, treating Ranesk like a prisoner of war. Brimstone was a man on a mission, determined to shed light on the twisted depths of Fade's Radiant powers and the depravity she had witnessed. There was no time for diplomacy or gentle persuasion. Only the harsh truth would suffice.

"-what can you say to that?" Brimstone queried, listing off the dire omens that had plagued Fade's visions.

Ranesk remained impassive, his countenance a mask of neutrality as he pondered the implications of a world rent asunder by war with the Radiants. It was an unexpected turn of events, for as far as he knew, the Radiants had always lived in harmony, with no hint of rebellion or unrest.

Brimstone fell silent, lost in thought as he revisited the visions, struggling to reconcile such a cataclysmic event with the current state of affairs. It made little sense, unless there was an army of Radiants lurking in the shadows, biding their time until the opportune moment to strike.

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