Chapter 6: Boredom

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As Ranesk settled in for his first night, he was handed a dossier containing details on each member of the Valorant team. Each agent was assigned a code name, and their true identities were closely guarded secrets. Ranesk pored over the information, studying the strengths and weaknesses of each member. One could steal souls, another was addicted to explosions, one could manipulate air, another could raise the dead, and yet another was a monstrous intelligence designed to eliminate radiants.

But it was one agent in particular that captured Ranesk's attention: Omen. This entity seemed to be a manifestation of the warp itself, and Ranesk found himself deeply suspicious of it. The dossier was filled with question marks, emphasizing the agent's inhuman nature and ability to shift in and out of existence. Omen was an omnipresent abomination, and Ranesk couldn't shake the feeling that it posed a threat unlike anything he had encountered before.


With the break of dawn, Ranesk stirred from his sleep and cast his gaze upon the clock placed beside his gargantuan bed. The digits displayed the time: "4:55". As he rose from his slumber, he mused on the series of events that had brought him to this unfamiliar place, from witnessing the destruction of a planet to aiming his bolter at a child's head.

He shifted his attention to his closet, which was filled with a range of bizarre garments that resembled feudal attire, but with a modern twist. Among the wardrobe selection was a sleeveless garb, which he deemed suitable for his current circumstances.

With a decisive action, he shut the closet and strode towards a cleaning chamber they called a "Shower", feeling certain that his body must reek of blood and decay.

After he had sufficiently scrubbed himself, Ranesk headed back to his closet and selected the sleeveless garb, as there was no need for him to be on high alert. The notion of not being in a constant state of readiness for battle felt peculiar to him.


With a press of a button, Ranesk's door slid open to reveal a narrow hallway, barely accommodating his towering figure. The early morning atmosphere was serene, the stillness disturbed only by the hum of the facility's machinery. Ranesk was aware that the other agents were asleep, but he had other plans. His destination was the firing range, and he strode forward with his bolter held firmly in his grip.

Upon entering the range, he was greeted by furniture, lockers, and a small cleaning robot - a servitor, perhaps? - that scurried about its business. His attention was soon drawn to the massive locker at the far end of the room. Its size and contents hinted that it was designed specifically for him, but he did not mind. He retrieved two clips of bolter rounds and proceeded to the range, ready for a challenge.

The control panel displayed three buttons: "Easy," "Medium," and "Hard." Ranesk, being the warrior he was, naturally opted for the hardest difficulty. The range transformed before his eyes, obstacles and terrain rising from the floor, humanoid bots emerging from hidden alcoves.

Ranesk aimed his bolter with both hands, ready to take on the challenge. His keen eyes followed the movements of the bots as they ducked and weaved between covers, presenting themselves as fleeting targets.

But Ranesk was up to the task. He timed his shots with precision, taking down one bot as it rose from cover and hitting another as it zigzagged across the range. "Two," he muttered, his focus unwavering.


Brimstone had slept late, staying up to finalize the files for Ranesk to ensure that the massive warrior wouldn't cause any legal trouble. The agent always woke early to check for any new disasters they'd have to handle. With a deep yawn, Brimstone shuffled out of bed and slipped into his flip flops.

He shuffled towards the coffee maker and brewed a cappuccino, knowing he had another long day ahead of him. His morning routine was disrupted by the sound of gunfire.

Panic rose in him momentarily until he remembered the firing range. But these gunshots were heavier than usual. Walking over to his computer, he quickly clicked it on and pulled up the camera feed. As he suspected, it was Ranesk in the range, firing off rounds.

"What the hell is he doing up this early?" Brimstone muttered to himself. But watching the feed, he saw that Ranesk was causing no issues other than the destruction of the training bots, which were being blasted apart with each shot. "Looks like it's under control," Brimstone said.

Staring at Ranesk through the feed, Brimstone couldn't help but be impressed. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed off his massive arms and chiseled physique. "And here I thought I was jacked," he said with a chuckle.


Soon all the bots were smithereens. Ranesk stood with his bolter in his hand. He had a stern look and looked like he was in a constant state of anger.

He kept remembering the days he had with his battle brothers. From the Ragosa uprisings to the siege of Veksan. The satisfying sounds of war were nostalgic. Maybe another one of his brethren would land on this world and accompany him.

What a ridiculous thought.

"Up early huh?" his thoughts were interrupted as a voice called to him.

He turned around and found himself in front of the man who put him in. brimstone.

"Yes" Ranesk replied.

Ranesk wanted a mission, it was so boring here. The fact that he had to be around Radiants was already vomiting for him. It was only his first day too.

"Pardon my question, Brimstone, but when will you give me a mission?" Ranesk asked coldly.

A short silence followed, brimstone still was not used to the bluntness of Ranesk. It's as if he did not know the concept of greetings.

There was going to be an operation tomorrow, it was originally just going to be Reyna, Killjoy and neon that was going to be sent out. But seeing as this was his chance to see what this big bastard could do in action he had an idea. He'll also send Ranesk along with the three.

"Tomorrow, I'll give you a mission." Brimstone said with a smirk.

Ranesk was surprised as he thought it would be days since he would see some action. But seeing as he internally begged for a fight it was a surprise he welcomed.

"I'll send you the details during the briefing tomorrow. On the day of the mission" brimstone added.

"You along with three othe-"

"No" Ranesk swiftly added.


"I shall do it alone"

Ranesk had been waiting to kill something or someone with his weapons for so long, he would finally get it. He wanted to do it alone as the annoying voice of morals would be heard if he would go with other agents.

"You are literally going to be dropped into another world, and the location you are being dropped has been confirmed to be heavily guarded. Are you still sure you are going alone?" Brimstone added sternly.

"I have learned enough of their world, they also have a valorant protocol of their own. With the same agents, the same weaknesses. It will not be hard for me."

A silence followed. Brimstone remembers the file he was given, it did say this guy could think three times faster than a normal human. Not to mention he was literally older than the entire protocol. He had experience on his side.

"Alright then, I will inform the other agents about this." Brimstone said reluctantly.

Ranesk nodded and walked past him, heading to his room.

The sound of death would finally enter his ears once again.

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