Chapter 31: Unrest

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2 weeks after the vacation

After the protocol returned from their vacation, they found themselves with a startling amount of free time. Despite their initial excitement at having a break from their usual high-intensity operations, they soon found themselves at a loss for what to do. For so long, their mission had been to protect Alpha from all manner of threats, both foreign and domestic. But with no new threats on the horizon, they began to question if they were even needed anymore.

As the days passed by, the doubts only grew stronger. It was almost as if the failed attack on Alpha had caused all sorts of threats to disappear into thin air. Even the most elusive and dangerous of rogue radiants no longer appeared to pose a threat. And so, the members of the protocol began to wonder if they were just spinning their wheels, waiting for something to happen that might never come.

This uncertainty weighed heavily on each member of the team. They had dedicated their lives to protecting their world, but now they found themselves in a position where they weren't sure if that was even necessary anymore. It was a difficult realization to come to, and it left them all feeling somewhat adrift.

Despite this, they continued to meet regularly, going through the motions of their usual drills and training sessions. They knew that they couldn't afford to let their guard down completely, even if they weren't sure what they were guarding against. And so they waited, each member secretly hoping that something would happen to give them a sense of purpose once again.

Notwithstanding their mounting concerns, the protocol remained ever watchful, unwilling to let their guard down. Though the days were punctuated by a dearth of action, the team continued to fulfill their duties, albeit in a different capacity. No longer were their missions rife with death and combat. Instead, they focused their efforts on humanitarian endeavors, a shift in focus that the protocol embraced with open arms.

Despite the seeming lack of danger, the protocol understood the importance of their current tasks. Their efforts helped to improve the lives of countless individuals within the city, from rebuilding dilapidated structures to distributing much-needed supplies. Though it was a far cry from their previous operations, the team found fulfillment in knowing that they were making a positive impact.

And yet, despite their new roles as altruistic operatives, a part of them couldn't help but long for the adrenaline-fueled rush of combat. They had been trained for action, honed their skills in the heat of battle. It was a part of them that they couldn't simply ignore, no matter how noble their current pursuits were.

Still, they continued on, hopeful that their efforts would not go unnoticed. They knew that the population was watching, and that their actions would serve as an inspiration to others. Perhaps, in time, the protocol would once again be called upon to defend their home from danger. Until then, they would carry on.


Manila, Philippines, Alpha

The murder of a child in Makati had stirred a hornet's nest, and the people were not content to let justice be denied. Thousands poured into the streets, their voices thundering in unison as they demanded equal rights and equal sentences for all. The perpetrator, a radiant, had been handed a paltry sentence of community service, an insult to the life that had been taken.

At first, the protest was peaceful, with the police standing watchful guard. But as the number of protesters swelled, so did the anger and frustration. The once calm demonstration devolved into a full-scale riot, with flames and black smoke filling the streets and skyscrapers of Manila.

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