Chapter 11: Tolerance

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Valorant HQ,Alpha.

3 weeks since transference.

Ranesk had begrudgingly grown accustomed to the company of his peers, albeit still preferring to keep his distance and avoid unnecessary interactions. His erstwhile reputation as a prickly and disagreeable figure had mellowed somewhat, no doubt due to the prolonged exposure to his fellow agents.

In time, the agents had grown accustomed to Ranesk's idiosyncrasies, accepting them as part and parcel of his unique persona. Indeed, they had even come to appreciate his morning ritual of taking aim at the specially designed sparring bot, the thunderous roar of his bolter ringing through the air like a clarion call.

Despite the deafening noise that could be heard even from afar, the agents had grown to rely on this early morning disturbance as a dependable alarm, signaling the start of another day in the never-ending fight against the forces of Omega. For Ranesk, it was a daily routine that helped keep his senses honed and his skills sharp, a habit ingrained through years of training and experience.


Chamber had finally returned from his undisclosed vacation, much to the curiosity of his fellow agents. Despite their insistent queries, he remained tight-lipped about the specifics of his whereabouts, content to keep things vague and elusive.

Rumors had begun to circulate about a new addition to the Protocol, an enigmatic figure whose dossier read like a fantastical tale of heroic deeds and near-mythical feats. Chamber, ever the skeptic, was deeply suspicious of the fantastical biography that had been presented to him, dismissing it as mere hyperbole and wishful thinking.

However, any reservations he may have harbored were quickly dispelled when he came face to face with the towering behemoth that was the new Agent. The sheer scale of his presence was enough to inspire a sense of awe and intimidation, his weathered countenance a testament to a lifetime of battle and struggle.

Undaunted by this formidable figure, Chamber attempted to extend a friendly greeting, invoking his characteristic French charm. To his surprise, his efforts were met with a curt rebuke, the new Agent dismissing his advances with a withering comment about his unsettling mannerisms. Despite the less than warm reception.

How nice of him.


As Ranesk sat on the sofa watching a documentary about the latter days of World War II from the perspective of Germany, he muttered under his breath in frustration at the foolishness of the German leader's decisions. His intensity did not go unnoticed, and a curious Sage approached to inquire about his viewing.

"What are you watching?" she asked, surprised that Ranesk was taking an interest in something other than conflict.

"History," Ranesk replied bluntly.

"Of what?"

"Just watch if you wish to learn," he gestured to the other sofa, and the Sage eagerly took a seat. Although she was pleased to see Ranesk engaged with the TV, she couldn't help but notice that all of his viewing seemed to revolve around war and strife.


Alpha, Mexico, ???

 A group of Radiant supremacists had taken up residence. They were just one contingent of a larger network of individuals like themselves, spread across the globe. Each of them was dedicated to a single purpose: to follow the orders of a shadowy figure known only as the "Empress." Few knew anything about her, save that she was a woman of uncompromising will and a stern, unyielding demeanor. Behind her beauty lay a seething hatred for all of humanity.

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