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"Smartass," Hongjoong muttered under his breath while Park Seonghwa answered to their professor.

Seonghwa shot him a disgusted sideways look.

If looks could kill, Hongjoong would be in his grave by now.

Hongjoong shrugged and kept drawing in his notebook, not really paying attention to their literature lecture.

He didn't know why he thought it was a good idea to join this course since he had zero interest in the subject.

But he needed the credits.

What he hadn't expected was that he had to deal with one of the top students at his college.

Hongjoong really hated him.

The way he always talked to everyone as if they were dumb, and the way the teachers praised him.

It really drove him mad.

"So for next week, you will have to prepare an essay focusing on any of the topics discussed today on 'Tales of Two Cities' by Dickens," The professor said, "I will upload the instructions to the online platform this evening, but it won't be very different from the previous ones we have done. You have to work in pairs, I want to see you managing different points of view on the same topic, and with that, I think we are done for today."

Hongjoong grunted.

He was not good with teamwork.

Mostly with the students that he had barely exchanged a word with that didn't include 'No I didn't study' or 'I don't even care about this.'


Finally, Hongjoong was at home.

He was so tired that he didn't even bother to take his uniform off as he threw himself onto his bed with a grunt.

By the time he opened his eyes again, it was already dusk.

He walked towards the kitchen and reheated some noodles that he hadn't finished yesterday.

The biggest con of living alone was that he had to take care of all of the cooking, which actually meant ordering take-out nearly every day.

He was lucky that his parents had enough money to pay the rent of his studio apartment and the other expenses as well, as long as he passed his courses.

The only motivation he had was that he didn't want to go back to his boring city with his annoying parents.

He changed his uniform for a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt while the food heated up in the microwave.

When it was done he sat on the sofa and opened up his laptop in front of him.

He was about to watch the latest episode of American Horror Story when he realized that he had to check the online platform to know with whom he had to work with.

He scrolled through the screen until he found the name, around the middle of the list.


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