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[ (ˊᵕˋ)* ✩‧₊˚ ]


"Honey where are you going?" Seonghwa propped his chin on one elbow as he stared at his future husband taking the keys and heading to the door.

He was sitting on the kitchen island with Yunho at his side, who was looking at Hongjoong with a suspicious look but remained silent.

"I have something to do," Hongjoong put his shoes on, tapping the tip on the wooden floor to push them in place.

"But we have the cake tasting at six, did you forget?" Seonghwa whined, his arms now crossed and lips twitching into a grimace.

He couldn't believe that Hongjoong had forgotten about it when it was literally everything Seonghwa talked about for the past three days, reminding him of the time and place and also showing him some pictures of cakes he had found on the internet that looked pretty.

"Yeah I know but I have something really important to do, I won't make it," Hongjoong bit his lower lip and with that Seonghwa knew he was hiding something, and that no matter how hard he tried he knew Hongjoong wouldn't tell him.

Seonghwa had learned to give up on Hongjoong whenever he had tried to hide something, he knew that sooner or later, well more later than sooner, he would find out.

"You promised..." Seonghwa pouted looking at Hongjoong with his best sad puppy eyes, it wouldn't work but Seonghwa knew that at least Hongjoong would feel bad about it.

"I know babe, sorry," Hongjoong walked towards Seonghwa, taking hold of his chin and forcing him to look into his eyes.

He kissed the pout away from his pink lips and caressed his cheek fondly.

"But Yunho can help you with that, I trust him,"

"You what, oh my god, can you say that again? For scientific purposes of course," Yunho shouted then played it cool, making the couple burst into laughter.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes and turned around waving them goodbye before he walked through the door.

"He's acting weird, isn't he?" Yunho asked walking towards the sofa, resting his head backwards and patting the space at his side, telling Seonghwa to join him.

Now that they had moved to a bigger apartment the sofa could fit four people comfortably.

"He's been acting weird for the past week, I don't know what's wrong," Seonghwa threw himself on the sofa, resting his head on Yunho's lap while the younger played with his hair.

"Maybe he's nervous, you know this is a big step and all that," Yunho comforted Seonghwa but it didn't work, the other boy was already too anxious about the wedding itself to have to add Hongjoong's weird attitude to his thoughts.

"Do you think he regrets it?" Seonghwa whispered, voice low, and there was a sadness in his tone that made Yunho's heart twist under his ribcage.

"Hey, don't think about that. He was the one who proposed and believe me when I say he was so excited about it that it was tiresome, even for me," Seonghwa laughed at the statement and the idea of Hongjoong being that excited made his insides turn into mush.

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