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It wasn't hard to find Seonghwa's house.

Hongjoong shoved his phone into his back pocket and let the noise of the music guide him.

When he was at the door he stared open mouthed at the three-story modern building in front of him.

Seonghwa's house was more like a fortress rather than a family home, the gates tall and decorated in a way that it seemed like they had been taken out of a magazine, gold patterns that looked like twining vines, with leaves and roses here and there.

There were security cameras all around, but Hongjoong couldn't help but chuckle when he noticed the gate door had been left ajar.

He walked past it and froze when he saw so many people dancing and drinking in the courtyard.

Who are these people?

Hongjoong peeked around trying to find any familiar faces, but most of the people there were strangers, people that he had never even seen at school.

So Seonghwa did have a life outside of his studies.

He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little bit uncomfortable around the crowd.

He walked on the pebbled path that lead to the porch, wondering if Seonghwa would be there, but he didn't even make it half way before he felt a splash of water wetting his shirt and jeans, followed by a burst of high-pitched laughter coming from beneath him.

He looked down to find Seonghwa, head propped on his hands at the edge of the swimming pool and a smirk on his face.

"Fuck," Hongjoong growled, "I hate you" he took a step back as Seonghwa pushed himself out of the pool, water dripping down his body.

Hongjoong licked his lips at the sight of Seonghwa's biceps standing out when he forced himself up.

Seonghwa tilted his head as he pushed his blonde hair back, uncovering his forehead as he did so.

He stopped when he was just a few inches away from Hongjoong, placing his hand under the other boys chin, forcing him to look up into his eyes.

Hongjoong hadn't realized that he had spent that time just staring down at Seonghwa's body, the water droplets tracing a line from his neck, down to his chest, his abs, and dying on the waistband of his wet purple swimsuit.

"I don't think so, honey," Seonghwa chuckled.

Hongjoong flinched at the pet name given and rolled his eyes in a failed attempt to look unbothered.

"My room is in the attic," Seonghwa pointed to the balcony on the top floor of the house, "you can change there and leave your stuff. There are drinks in the kitchen and you can join me when you are done." Seonghwa smiled broadly before jumping back into the water, making sure he splashed Hongjoong once again.

This bitch.

Hongjoong walked inside the house, trying not to bump into couples already making out, and headed upstairs.

Why don't they have an elevator?

The second floor was dim, he looked blindly for the light switch and when he turned it on, a large living room suddenly appeared in front of him.

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