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[ you guys are the best, the first chapter has nearly 200 comments already (ˊᵕˋ)* ✩‧₊˚ i love you all so much (°°) ]


The week following his and Seonghwa's 'meeting' was one of the weirdest ones Hongjoong had ever experienced.

By the time he arrived to literature class, Seonghwa was already seated in the front row, looking down when Hongjoong walked past him, just nodding when Hongjoong greeted him.

Was he mad?

Hongjoong couldn't help but think about how different Seonghwa looked in the blue and yellow uniform, his tie perfectly knotted on his neck, and his hair covering his forehead, giving him the appearance of the 'good boy' Hongjoong no longer believed to be true.

He sat behind him and stared, he didn't know why, but he spent the whole class thinking about the day they met up.

How Seonghwa's personality had changed in such a short span of time, and then back to 'normal' again.

Seonghwa should have noticed the weight of Hongjoong's stare as he sometimes turned around, acting like he was stretching his back, and then going back to his normal position when their eyes locked.


When the lecture was over, Hongjoong picked up his things and called to the blonde, but the other boy never turned around.


Seonghwa was being too obvious about ignoring him.

Maybe this was Park Seonghwa.

A boy that only cared about his studies and only seemed nice when talking about school-related stuff.

When he left the classroom he saw Seonghwa heading to the cafeteria so he decided to try again.

Unsurprisingly, Seonghwa didn't answer, but he started to walk faster, nearly sprinting.

But what Seonghwa didn't expect was that Hongjoong started running after him.

Before he could reach the door, Hongjoong grabbed him by the wrist and turned him around so they were looking at each other, faces inches away.

Seonghwa looked at the hand on his wrist and Hongjoong let go of him.

Seonghwa took a step back so they were no longer close.

"What?" Seonghwa asked flatly.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes and rummaged through his bag, drawing out the old book Seonghwa had left at his place, and handing it to the blonde guy who didn't take it.

"You left it at my place," Hongjoong said, trying to push the book into the others hands, but Seonghwa just took another step back, rejecting it.

"You can keep it," Seonghwa muttered looking at the book instead of at Hongjoong.

Which was actually making Hongjoong nervous.

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