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[ (ˊᵕˋ)* ✩‧₊˚ ]


It's a Friday afternoon and Hongjoong found himself sitting on the sofa not really paying attention to the movie playing on his laptop screen.

It was the first time in around two weeks that he was alone and he somehow didn't enjoy it as much as he used to.

His studio was too silent, it felt foreign without Seonghwa's loudness he so soon grew used to.

He checked the time and only two hours had passed since Seonghwa had gone out, he had asked him if he minded him hanging out with Yunho.

Hongjoong of course didn't mind, but he wondered what they were doing.

Seonghwa had said that he wanted to talk with Yunho to tell him everything that happened in the last few weeks, everything that happened in his life before that led to this messy situation.

Seonghwa didn't want to lie to Yunho anymore, he was his best friend so he deserved to know.

Hongjoong understood.

And he also knew that Seonghwa deserved to spend time with his friend since they barely see each other these days.

But he also was afraid, something in his mind told him that maybe Seonghwa hadn't met Yunho but he had gone to his house, alone.

He knew he should trust his boyfriend, but his anxiety was something he couldn't control.

So he just stayed at home, waiting, hoping Seonghwa would come back.

With a sigh, he leaned back and closed his eyes.


Hongjoong realized he had fallen asleep just like that when the thud of the door closing woke him up, startled, he nearly fell off the sofa.

He was relieved to see Seonghwa walking towards him, looking just like he had when he left.

Well not quite, he was wearing a black beanie that covered all of his hair, and he swore that the locks of hair that fell on both sides were not as blonde as he remembered.

"Hi sleepyhead," Seonghwa laughed as he walked towards the kitchen island, leaving the shopping bags on it.

"Hi," He grunted, rubbing his eyes as he moved into a sitting position.

He then noticed that Seonghwa didn't come home alone.

Yunho was at his side, taking out the groceries, seemingly not really sure about where he should put them.

"I invited Yunho over for the night, I hope you don't mind, I would have texted you but you know that-"

"Yeah don't worry, you know this is just as much your place as it is mine. You can do whatever you want," Hongjoong reached out his hand and when Seonghwa took it, he pulled at it, making him fall over his body with a gasp.

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