Star Comes to Earth

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Principle Skeeves: "(on P.A. system) Maria Diaz, to the principal's office. Maria Diaz, to the principal's office."

Maria: "[smiles] Oooooh... looks like someone's in trouble. So, I guess everyone who voted me "Safest Kid" must be feeling pretty embarrassed right about now."

As she walks confidently towards the front of the class Miss Skullnick is painting her toenails while reading some book.

Maria: "Do I need a hall pass?"

Miss Skullnick: "Would you just go already?!"

Maria: "(Whimpers as she slowly shuffles out of the room.)"

Janna: "5 bucks says helping new kid."

The whole class then basically riots as they all start placing bets down on why they think Maria was sent to the principal's office with the rules being that no one can have the same bet and that they all had to be different, so the winner gets everything.

Janna: "(Looks at Celeri while sitting on desk.) So hot stuff care to make a wager (waves stack of cash while also trying to pickpocket him)."

Celeri: "(Grabs her sticky hand and places in his while he closes and just smiles before letting go and walking away while saying softly with his back facing the class while casually putting in his headphones.) Can't someone took mine (walks out of class just as the bell rings)."

Celeri waits for a bit before checking on to see who the new student was and once, he sees who it was he looks at her wand almost mesmerized by it before shaking himself back to normal as Maria and the new kid walk in front of him since he and Maria are locker Neighbours.

Maria: "(Scoffs) And this is an example of what I am not (Opens locker trying to hit Celeri in the face but failing.) Well, that brings us to the end of our tour. I'm going home now."

???: "[waving goodbye with wand] Bye, new friend! See you tomorrow! Bye! Bye, new friend! See you later! (Turns towards Celeri) And hello new friend!"

Celeri is stunned at first on just how friendly this new kid is before casually waving his hand as a form of hello while she just looks him up and down creeping him out a little bit since the last and quite possibly only person, he knew who did this so openly was Janna.

Celeri: "(Nervously) Ummm, who are you and what are you doing (Shocking anyone nerby.)"

???: "(Spins around) Opps my bad my names Star Butterfly and I'm a magical princess from another dimension!"

Nothing but shock in Celeri's eyes as he takes everything out of his locker and starts walking home while Star constantly talks and tries to get him to talk before saying goodbye and as he leaves in the distance, he hears her laugh which for some reason sends a chill down his spine as he runs even harder than he ever did before.

Once he gets home, he puts everything down does all of his schoolwork and finished before an hour is even up and after putting everything back, he opens his front door gives the delivery guy some money and eats his food before starting his training regime.

-Nighttime at Stop & Slurp. -

???: "Star Butterfly! At last, I've found you!"

Star: "Ludo! How did you know I was here?"

Ludo: "[Chuckling] Wouldn't you like to know?"

Star: "Yes. That's why I asked."

Ludo: "Well, Buff Frog—hey! I don't have to tell you anything! Get her!"

Star assumes an attack stance when Maria jumps in front and Karate chops one of the Ludo's minions.

Star: "[laughing] You can fight?!"

Maria: "It's called... karate!"

As Star and Maria are fighting Ludo the Red Knight appears standing strong with his sword and shield in hand jumping into the fight smacking a three headed man with his shield before smacking a giant chicken with his blunt blade.

As Star and Maria are fighting Ludo the Red Knight appears standing strong with his sword and shield in hand jumping into the fight smacking a three headed man with his shield before smacking a giant chicken with his blunt blade

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The Red Knight watches as Star uses magic that he has not seen before while Maria karate chops the minions with her skills in the martial art while he just casually hits, smacks, and punches Ludo's minions like there nothing.

Maria: "(Spots Red Knight) Omg omg that's Red Knight (Runs towards him beating everyone in her path just to get closer to him and when she does, she tries to act chill like he didn't just see any of that.) Hey so like I'm kinda fan of yours can I get an autograph."

Red Knight: "(Places sword in shield and motions for something to write with.)"

Star: "(Makes a rainbow marker that has wings.) Here try this."

Red Knight: "(Very deep voice) To whom should I make this out to?"

Maria: "(Having a break down while trying to keep her cool but talks really fast.) MariaDiaz."

Red Knight: "(Looks her over before grabbing her and turning so he can sign her jacket.) What?"

Once he finished signing Maria's jacket the words started to fly away like bubbles and as Maria was seconds away from probably strangling the yellow headed girl everyone hears a pop sounds as white poster that has nothing, but Red Knight written on it appears in front of them.

Ludo: "Can we get back to fighting now?"

Maria having no chill and probably eagerly wanting to get home gets a fire in her eye as she starts really going at it on everyone to the point Red Knight tries to cover Star's eyes, so she doesn't have to see this but when goes to try she's just smiling while biting her wand.

Maria: "You want some of this, Ludo?"

Ludo: "No... [takes out dimensional scissors] You see, you morons?! This is what happens when you don't work out! [opens a dimensional portal] Your muscles are like pudding! Come on, back in the portal, back in the portal (Ludo's minions, groaning and covered in bruises, shuffle through the portal). You even retreat like losers!"

As this was going down Red Knight vanishes just as quickly as he appeared which is honestly surprising given that he was wearing a full plate of armor which should make all kinds of noise if they followed any sort of law of physics.

-Next day at school. -

Celeri: "(Yawns.)"

Janna: "Sup man stay up to late last night reading (Before she can finish, he slaps her in the face with some cash and walks away after he looks and sees the friendship growing between Maria and Star)."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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