Holiday Spellcial

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As the curtains fall on the ground from either overuse or hardly an use the man with the top hot appears once more in the realm of shadows as he sips something from his little tea cup that is most likely anything but tea.

The man doesn't even seem to really care about reading a story this time round as he grabs the storybook and opens it up a little before throwing it towards the void as it opens up and becomes a vortex that sucks everything but the stage in.

Falling through the vortex the world of the other Celeri appears once more this time a few more years seemed to have passed since last time as both Meteora and Mariposa have grown very nicely to the point that it would be hard to call them children anymore.

With the only caveat being the fact that Meteora seemed to be the only one without any real figure in the Butterfly/Diaz family like her Aunt Star but seemed to somehow make up for that as pictures all around point to her taking after Star more than her own mother.

Every recent picture of the girls showed that Meteora seemed to always be lacking in comparison to Mariposa when it came to basically everything except for anything involving strength or being just a general "punk with attitude" according to one of her awards.

With the award seeming to be made by Star from the looks of it and maybe Mariposa since she was hanging out with Star most of the time whenever she wasn't hanging out with her mother and father or with her protector Celeri.

Who after all these years has taken the same form as Marco with the sole exception being that he was less buff and has less grey hairs on his body as he preferred being and looking as elegant as possible as that's what seemed to make the girls happy.

It also helped that Celeri liked dressing the way he did with he reason for the most part always seeming to be that he found some way to train himself with him trying to make little to no sound or movement as he would just try to appear behind people and possibly scare them.

Throughout the years this version of Celeri has never been shy about his feelings towards the family and how he believes them to be his savor and how Mariposa is his lord in charge with Meteora being either a close second or distance third depending on her actions that day.

Today was a special day for everyone as they were celebrating Celeri being in their lives for the sixteenth year with everyone seeming to be very happy except for Meteora and Mariposa for some reason as the two girls looked sad and kind of lonely for some reason.

Making matters worse was whenever the birthday boy (this was also their best guess for his birthday) would try to get close to either of them the two girls seemed to freak out and cry even more than they already were before they apparently reached their limit and ran away.

Before the party completely dies down Celeri goes on his own to look for the girls which shouldn't really be that dangerous especially since their neighbors had become Ponyhead and her family along with Tom and Janna that at some point seemed to have gotten together.

Possibly to make things even more interesting, because he was also royalty, or because he was a demo and getting back at Star but Tom and Janna's home looked like something you'd usually see as the final boss area of a video game with all the lava and their home being a castle.

Going past that way was the new forest that every kid in town seemed to like for some strange reason as nothing really made it special other than the fact it was constantly dark, cool, and somehow always had a breeze passing through it.

This was also the place where the girls had made their own little secret base that no one besides Celeri even knew about... well everyone knew they had one just not the location for their base and if they did they would have said no to them going.

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