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Maria and Star... the only two people that are known across the universe for being destructive, vigilant, crazy, unpredictable, and just all around beings of pure Chaos for those that go against them or do not know about them.

But that was nothing compared to Celeri who depending on when in time they had meet him, the way he looked (aka his armor), and the way he was training he could be entirely different creatures in the legends of others!

Some fear him and use him to scare their children straight as they tell the legends of the small one who came in and toppled their entire way of live all within one night and then vanished without a trace like they were a turd in the wind.

And at a different dimension he is basically what King Arthur would be for them but without the entire sword in stone and legends revolving around becoming king of an area should they be found worthy and instead is viewed as whoever masters all forms of art that the ancestors learned from watching him would become king of the lands.

Of which learning all of them wouldn't be easy by no stretch of the means since they took every word of his literally which caused something that was once easy and just required the person to train hard everyday was now something that could only be accomplished by those who dedicated themselves to the path.

The fact that him joking and the way that he looked from his very much earlier years could inspire an entire group of people to change their very ways of life and culture sometimes really scares Celeri and it was for that very reason why he hasn't gone back to those dimensions since then.

It also doesn't help that the one time that he did go back he eventually got found out which had then caused a massive holy war to erupt on both weather or not he really was the person of legend and if so which style of combat was superior than all the others.

Like of course he's going to be biased on a sword art since that's what he and his entire clan have used since they could remember to use whenever they engaged in combat of any art but that didn't really mean he preferred it over the others since he saw the potential in it for others.

There was also the fact that while Celeri had become a man of the shield and blade combo all his life he did always wonder what would happen if he took a different if he were to choose only one style of combat and also what that combat would have been.

He could be like a thief in video games where they use daggers I mean he had the speed for it and while it would have probably sucked training wise and reach wise it still had its uses in the fact to him at least it was a beautiful art form since the wielder of it pretty much had to dance for it to be truly affective.

Celeri also wonders how he would fair if he were to use an even bigger sword or better yet a staff or sledge hammer since one is very hard to learn how to use but also easy at the same time while the other is pretty much easy so long as you're able to smash whatever comes your way.

But of course if he were to really go down either of those paths than not only would he be bringing great dishonor on all his ancestors by doing so including his father and his fathers father but also become something probably even more fearsome in the tales told about him.

Honestly who the heck would like to be known as the great destroyer of an entire race of creatures or worse yet something that is told to be bring about either the end of times or the bring prosperity across the lands of all who live there.

And yes those are also tales about Celeri with some of those being the weirdest ones he knows of since they began without his knowledge or from him doing much of anything with them as he learned about it when he first came to those areas or by word of mouth whenever he went to a resting spot that had more than one group of people visiting or living there.

And to say that it was awkward would be more than a little of and understatement what with Celeri hearing all the different tales and stories that others had about him with some even making him part of their origins even though their race was by far older than he would have ever been.

Honestly speaking who the heck knows what Celeri has done with his very long and large life since for the most part he was a little kid who never stopped aging even in Heckapoo's dimension like their was no change in the way he looked ever since age for the most part meant nothing to the Cosmic Wolf tribes.

???: "Hold on I call bull! There's no way you were able to do all of that while the rest of us were just learning how to sing our ABC's!"

???2: "Yea I'm going to have to agree with Janna. I just find it hard to believe that you could have done all that on you're own with it all being true."

Celeri: "(Closes book of a his newest book that was pretty much the same as his old one but this time with more stuff added to it) Well I'm sorry you feel that way but this is the story of not just my life but those that had come before me... and while yes everything I had just told you was about me that-"

Janna: "Was a complete lie since unless you're an elf from a fantasy world theirs no way that you could be someone who helped make civilizations while also dooming them WHILE also being in the same class as all of us!"

Celeri: "Well you two can believe whatever you want but I loosly know what's happened in my life and since this along with the first are the only books that share record of everything about my people than I don't really care! (does a Dracula cape move as he leaves only to return shortly after as he left his book as he then left once again)."

Janna: "(Quietly just stares at the door for a long while just to make sure that Celeri really left this time) You know he's most likely lying right Jackie?"

Jackie: "I mean we don't really have anyway of knowing do we?"

Janna: "(Gets up and stretch's) Well whether or not he's telling the truth that doesn't mean we have to praise him for it since from the sounds of this one and the last one I wouldn't be surprised if he was just some guy who got lucky and found a magic ring and made up all this stuff on his own."

Jackie: "That's very mean and bad for you karma... but I do have to agree that what you said seems more likely than Celeri's stories."

The two friends then get up and go on to meet with the others to tell them about Celeri's newest book to which he will then be in a never ending nightmare for about at most a month of them making fun of him and pointing out all the "lies" he had written.

And through all of this Celeri once again reconsiders why the heck he was friends with these people in the first place and especially why the heck does he put up and stay with them when they almost always find fault in everything he does or just generally have fun making fun of the things he cares about.

But he has to be the bigger man since he is older than they are as he tries to put up with all of it with try being the word of the day since it's very hard to do most of the time especially when they make fun of his culture and way of life.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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