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Chapter two Welcome to Jurassic ParkStella's POV:My body was buzzing with excitement as we were escorted to the helicopter

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Chapter two
Welcome to Jurassic Park
Stella's POV:
My body was buzzing with excitement as we were escorted to the helicopter. John Hammond was there to greet us. As we boarded the helicopter, John told us more people would be arriving later. "Who else is coming?" Ellie asked. "Just some others I invited. The other helicopter should be bringing them along directly after us." He said as we all sat in the helicopter. "So, you two dig up dinosaurs?" Dad said. I nudged him and gave him a weird look. He had seen Ellie Sattler plenty of times before but I guess he wanted to know the scoop on her and Grant. "Well..." Ellie started. "We try to." Grant answered. My dad then did his extremely weird but eccentric laugh. Chris shook his head and said "ignore him." John chuckled and said "you'll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm." I looked out the window and the conversation continued. The blue water was mesmerizing and I couldn't wait to see the park. "There it is." John said. Everyone looked to the island and the anticipation only grew. Once we landed, there was another group arriving in the helicopter behind us. Cars were waiting and John said "if you all want to introduce yourselves you can. I'm going to make sure the cars are ready." The older man walked away and I shook out my hair, enjoying the feeling of the sun on my body. "Damn, that's some curly hair." A voice said. I jumped and turned around to see a man standing in front of me. He was probably about two years older than me. I was nineteen currently. "Yeah." I said. He looked me up and down and said "I'm Rooster." "Rooster?" I asked with a chuckle. "Well, Rooster's my call sign. I'm Bradley. Bradley Bradshaw." "Hello, Mr. Bradshaw. I'm Stella." "Stella what?" "Malcolm. See the man dressed in all black even though it's a hundred degrees? That's my father." I pointed to my dad who was currently shaking another man's hand. "Oh, well looks like he's met my dad." Rooster said. I nodded and said "cool." Hunter tripped as she saw a female step out of the helicopter. "Hunter." I said as she dusted herself off. "I'm fine." She dismissed me. "Layla, come here!" Rooster called her over. Hunter's eyes widened as the girl now stood in front ot us. "Hey." She said. I nodded to her and Hunter said "I'm Hunter. Sattler. My mom's over there." "The blonde? Yeah, I figured. You're pretty like she is. I'm Layla." The two of them shook each other's hands and I looked at Rooster. "So, you got invited too?" I asked. "Yeah, my dad did. He was a pilot in the navy and I guess the guy wanted to congratulate him? I dunno. But, it's a theme park and I never pass on a theme park." He crossed his arms over his chest. Rooster was broad and built. He was unbelievably fit and his golden blonde hair shined in the sunlight. He was a literal dream. "Hey." A boy said. We all looked at him as he just butted himself into the conversation. Layla quirked an eyebrow and said "hey?" "I'm Kenny." "Sup, Kenny?" Rooster said. Layla introduced us to Kenny who recited all our names back to us. He seemed to be analyzing our behavior. "You guys don't know what we're really here to see, do you?" "Wanna elaborate?" I said. Kenny shook his head and said "nope. I want you all to be amazed." Layla made a face and looked at Hunter. "Amazed?" She mouthed. Hunter stifled a giggle. Kenny was probably a year or two younger than us. "Kenny, you were supposed to wait for us!" A young girl's voice said. "Olive, I had to introduce myself to these fine people." I smiled and knelt down to the girl's level. "What's your name?" "Olive. And that's my brother Dwayne." I looked up to see a tall dark headed boy who looked unbelievably bored. "Hi, Dwayne." Dwayne gave me a tight lipped smile and a nod. "I'm Stella." "Stella. You're so pretty!" Olive said. "Thank you. So are you." I absolutely loved kids and hoped to have a career in doing something with them. Whether it be a teacher or someone who works at a daycare center or something. I stood up and Rooster said "hey, I'm Rooster." Dwayne made a face of disgust and started writing on a notepad.

That's your name???

"It's my call sign. Uhm..." "Dwayne here has taken a vow of silence until he makes it as a fighter pilot." Kenny explained. Dwayne nodded and I said "you don't speak? At all?" Dwayne shook his head. "Everyone to the cars." John said cheerfully. Hunter and I went to get into a car when Rooster asked if we wanted to ride with him. I looked over my shoulder at my dad who was currently talking Ellie's ear off. "Sure. Why not?" Hunter answered for us. The four of us got into a jeep along with my brother who didn't want to be stuck with Kenny and the others. John noticed all of us being split up and said "I should've had bigger cars so you all could ride together." "It's ok, Mr. Hammond. We'll have plenty of time for that later." Kenny told him. "Soo, wanna ride the rollercoaster together?" Rooster asked me. I quirked an eyebrow and said "what makes you think they have one?" "Every theme park has one. Let's go together." "As long as we get the front row." "Done." The hot summer air blew through my hair. The ride was bumpy but beautiful. This island was something out of a dream. Layla was flipping through a brochure and Rooster held one in his hands. "Jurassic Park? Like dinosaurs?" Rooster said. I scanned over it and said "dinosaurs. That'd be amazing." The cars brought us to an open field and then stopped. "Oh my god." Hunter said. I looked up and then gasped. "A brachiosaurus." Rooster looked up and his eyes widened. "What the?" Grant made Ellie look up at the brachiosaurus. Her mouth dropped and she climbed out of the jeep. "God, she's beautiful." I said in awe. Hunter rushed over to Ellie and she teared up while holding her mother. "Dwayne, look at this beauty!" Kenny exclaimed. Dwayne stared up at the long necked dinosaur and Olive's mouth hung agape. She then started to jump up and down. "Dwayne, do you see it?! Do you see it?! Dwayne!!" Dwayne nodded at his younger sister with a small smile and she tried to pull him out of the jeep. "Dwayne, come on!" He shook his head and she huffed. She went to rush over to the dinosaur and I stopped her. I knelt down to her level, holding on to her. "Stay here, Olive. Even though it's really cool to look at, she can hurt us. We need to stay here where it's safe." I heard running footsteps behind me and turned around to see Dwayne. He shook his head and started writing on his notepad.

Sorry about that

"It's fine. No biggie. I don't mind watching her for a bit if you needed time to yourself or wanted to hang with Kenny." I told him. Dwayne shrugged and watched Olive marvel at the dinosaur in front of us. "Thirty feet." Grant said as he walked closer to it. "You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it." Dad said. Chris and Dwayne looked over their shoulders at him. The sounds of the brachiosaurus were beautiful. I felt myself tearing up watching them graze. Layla chuckled in disbelief and said "this place is going to blow people's minds." "It's already blown mine. I mean, Jesus." Kenny said. Rooster shook his head and said "how is this even possible?" "This is something kids only dream about." I said softly. "Have you dreamed about it?" Olive asked me. I nodded and said "when I was little. I've always wanted to see a dinosaur." "We've clocked the T-Rex at 32 miles an hour." John said. Ellie looked at him and said "T-T-Rex? You said you have a T-Rex?" Grant grabbed John by the shoulders and said "say again?" "We have a T-Rex!" Kenny looked over and said "oh no way." Grant fell into the grass as he began to be overwhelmed. "Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler, welcome to Jurassic Park." John said. My brother who usually is impressed by things wasn't impressed at all by the creatures in front of us who were supposed to be extinct. "How'd you do this?" Grant asked. "I'll show you."

Yes this chapter could be better but we're still getting into it!! The book will get better as it goes on I promise! Also I neglected to mention that this book will take place during Jurassic Park (1993) and Jurassic Park: The Lost World (1997) sooo hopefully y'all will stick around to see this book to the end!

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