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Chapter four"What do they got in there? King Kong?" Stella's POV:"You'll all be going on a splendid tour of the park and will be experiencing the very first tour

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Chapter four
"What do they got in there? King Kong?"
Stella's POV:
"You'll all be going on a splendid tour of the park and will be experiencing the very first tour." John explained. "Grandpa!" Two kids yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Rooster raised his eyebrows and said "more kids." I shrugged and Olive seemed to grin as she realized there'd be kids closer in age to her besides her older brother. The kids started to talk super fast to John. "We missed you!" "We loved the presents! They were great!" "Did you enjoy your ride in the helicopter?" John said. The girl nodded eagerly and said "yeah! When we went down we all went right back up!" We were all led outside to where a few cars were waiting for us. John's granddaughter jumped into one of the cars. "An interactive CD-ROM! Look you just touch the right part of the screen and it talks about whatever you want!" "Lex, darling, you're alright in there. Dr. Sattler come look at the second car." John said. My dad smirked and said "I'm going to ride with Dr. Sattler." Grant glared at him and watched him walk away. John's grandson approached Grant who stared at the young boy as if he was an alien. "I read your book." He said. Grant nodded and said "oh, that's great." "Do you really think that dinosaurs turned to birds? That's where they all went?" Layla stood in front of the small group of older teenagers and said "so, who's riding with who?" "I think we all need to be in a car together." Rooster said as he gestured to our small group. Dwayne took a step forward and nodded. Kenny shrugged and said "I go where Dwayne goes." Olive slowly approached John's granddaughter who was climbing out of the car. "I'm Olive." She said as she pushed her glasses up her nose. John's granddaughter had long blonde hair that was pulled into a braid which was covered by a purple baseball cap. "I'm Lex." Olive smiled really big and said "you're really pretty." "Thank you?" Lex replied in an unsure tone. "That's my big brother Dwayne!" Lex's eyes landed on Dwayne and he gave her a tight lipped smile. Lex nodded to him and approached the group. "I didn't know there'd be other kids here." "I didn't think John Hammond's grandchildren would be here. You're grandfather is extraordinary." Kenny said. Lex furrowed her eyebrows and said "oh." "Ignore him." Layla said. Rooster introduced himself and Layla while I introduced myself and Hunter. Ellie got out of the car to double check where Hunter would be riding. "Hey." Ellie said to Dwayne who was in his own world. His eyes were closed as he seemed to be taking in the sun. Olive nudged him and he slowly opened his eyes. She pointed at Ellie and Dwayne scribbled on his notepad.


"You don't talk?!" Lex exclaimed. Dwayne shook his head and Kenny quickly explained why Dwayne didn't talk and how he was going to become a fighter pilot and would speak when he reached that goal. "You should go sit with Alan." Ellie suggested to Dwayne. He furrowed his eyebrows and wrote on his notepad.


"He'll get a kick out of you, Dwayne. A boy who chooses not to speak. He'll love it." Dwayne shrugged and the cars were pretty spacious inside. "Maybe all us kids could fit in one?" I said. Rooster then shook his head and said "no way. The little ones need their own car." I stifled a laugh and I watched Dwayne approach Grant who was dreading the fact that a teenager was approaching him. Dwayne scribbled on his notepad and him and Grant started a conversation. Which was unbelievably odd since Dwayne didn't talk back. He only wrote. "Come on, let's get the car behind the one in front." Rooster grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the car. I giggled and said "don't make me fall." He shook his head and said "I could never." Him and I got in the backseat while Kenny got in the passenger seat. Dwayne walked over and took the seat by the window. Layla and Hunter then followed in behind Rooster and I. Olive was currently following Lex around and they got into the car in front of us. Olive looked at Dwayne in the car and gave him a thumbs up. He gave her one as well and then leaned his head against the window, closing his eyes. We all waited for a few minutes before the cars started moving. "Lookit! A ghost! A ghost!" Tim, Lex's younger brother yelled from in front of us. "Oh no, it's driving!" Lex added. Kenny stared at the wheel that was steering on it's own. Rooster leaned back against the seat and said "so, I'm assuming they don't have a roller coaster." "This is a ride, isn't it?" I asked. Rooster quirked an eyebrow and said "technically." "So, we're riding this together, aren't we?" Dwayne looked over at the two of us with a look of disgust. He wrote on his notepad and held it up.

Really dude? You just met

"There's nothing going on here, Dwayne. I don't even know Rooster." I said playfully. Rooster chuckled and said "so, you don't think I'm attractive?" Dwayne grimaced and I said "Dwayne's kinda cute." Dwayne's eyes widened and Rooster said "how old are you?"


"And how old are you, Stella?" "I'm 19, Rooster. What about you?" "I'm 21." I nodded and said "oh." "I'm 19 too." Layla said. Kenny then said he was 18 like Dwayne but was interrupted by the cars approaching a gate. "Wait, is this where the tour starts?" I asked. "Welcome to Jurassic Park." The guide on the screen said. I looked up through the glass roof up at the gate. Dwayne did the same, enamored with the sign. Once we passed through the gate, the guide started talking again. "The first dinosaur on our tour is called Dilophosaurus." I gasped and leaned over Rooster and was now in close proximity to Dwayne. Dwayne shifted uncomfortably and I looked out the window. Hunter practically had her face pressed up against the glass, looking for any sign of the dinosaur. "The Dilophosaurus spits venom at it's prey, causing blindness and other side effects. This creature is a beautiful but deadly addition to Jurassic Park." Kenny looked around and hesitantly climbed over into the drivers seat. "Where are they?" Layla asked. Rooster looked around and said "are they even there?" "Rooster." Layla said while rolling her eyes. Hunter frowned and said "I really wanted to see them." I squinted, trying to see if I could see them through the trees. I accidentally put my hand on Dwayne's knee, trying to hold myself up. Dwayne jumped and I immediately retracted my hand. "I'm so sorry." I told him. He quickly nodded and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I slowly went back to my seat and Rooster said "did ya see anything over there?" I shook my head and said "no." Dwayne leaned his head on the window and looked down at his lap, closing his eyes. We passed a few more dinosaur paddocks and none of them seemed to show. "The most ferocious dinosaur here at Jurassic Park, the Tyrannosaur." Dwayne looked up and rubbed his eyes, squinting at the sunlight. "Is there really a T-Rex in there?" Layla asked. I looked out the window at the large paddock. The fence had a warning sign.

Warning: do not touch fence
10'000 volts

"10'000 volts?" I said softly. Rooster looked at the fence and said "Jesus, the fence'll kill you before the dinosaurs do." Kenny looked around for the dinosaur. Hunter gasped as a goat was being lifted into the paddock. "Oh no." I said. Rooster rolled down the window, leaning over Dwayne. "Come on! Come get the goat!" He yelled. Dwayne pushed Rooster away from him with an annoyed look. "Are you crazy?" Layla said in a condescending tone. "No, I just would like to see a dinosaur from the safety from my tour vehicle." Rooster replied. Kenny shook his head and rolled down his window. "Here, girl!" He called. Dwayne's eyes widened and he sat up. He grabbed Kenny and shook his head. "What? I'm just calling her. Maybe she's attracted to the sound of voices." Hunter looked at Kenny and said "they wouldn't know what human voices sound like. She's not going to approach you." "She'll approach noise." He countered. Just before Kenny could step out of the car they started moving. Dwayne let out a relieved breath and hit Kenny in the shoulder. Kenny rolled his eyes and we drove around aimlessly for some time. Almost every dinosaur was a no show. Except one.

Here's the update!! I hope y'all are enjoying this so far!! And Dwayne is aged up for a reason lmaooo. The majority of the characters are in their late teens and early twenties.

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