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Chapter twenty three"Don't go into the long grass!" Stella's POV:Rooster looked at my dad as he explained the plan

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Chapter twenty three
"Don't go into the long grass!"
Stella's POV:
Rooster looked at my dad as he explained the plan. "We gotta get out of here. The station should be just north of here." "Don't go into the long grass!" Ajay, one of Roland's men yelled. Kelly looked to where the voice was coming from and Trevor said "we're not going in the grass are we?" "Uh, I'm pretty sure it's the only way." Dad replied. "Hey." Rooster grabbed me by my shoulders and said "you stay with me. Understand? I can't lose you in that grass." I nodded at him and said "I will. You wont lose me, Roo." He chuckled softly at the nickname and kissed my forehead. I gave him a hug and I felt him squeeze me. "I really missed you." I whispered. Rooster inhaled deeply and said "me too." Our group walked through the rest of the jungle until we got to the clearing with the long grass. I gasped at the men screaming and gagging, being devoured by velociraptors. My father grabbed Kelly's hand and then looked at Rooster. "You don't let go of her hand. You die. She doesn't." Dad told him. I shook my head and said "dad." Jordan picked up Olive and said "hang onto me." She nodded and said "ok." Trevor's eyes darted around the clearing, watching his comrades drop left and right. Slater took a breath and said "we can do this. We just have to get across the field." Dad looked our across it, trying to decide when the best time to go was. A man yelled out in pain which made Trevor's eyes widen. "Now." Dad said as he took off running, holding Kelly's hand. Sarah went after him and Jordan went after her, holding Olive. Nick then went. Trevor took the opportunity to go and Rooster started running. I gripped his hand and kept my eyes in front of me. Chittering and hissing sounds were on all sides of us. The grass swished and thrashed with movement. A man dropped dead on the side of me, half of his face missing. I gasped and Rooster pulled me closer to him. "Don't look. Keep going." I nodded quickly at him and Trevor said "oh shit!" He jumped over a body that landed in the path. I closed my eyes as Rooster and I passed over the body. I just wanted to get across this damn field. It seemed like it was getting longer and longer and I just wanted it to end.

Hunter's POV:
Slater went after Stella and Rooster, trying to keep her composure. Layla held my hand tightly as we ran after the others in front of us. Layla whimpered softly as the grass moved next to us. "Oh shit!" Trevor said from up ahead. Slater covered her mouth and said "my god!" Layla buried her face into my shoulder as I saw the body on the path. His body was mangled, looking like it had been torn apart. I felt Slater take my other hand as we started to make it to the end of the field. We didn't anticipate the ditch we were about to fall into. Stella yelped as her and Rooster started tumbling down. "What the fuck?!" Trevor yelled. Slater gasped and pulled me down as she fell. "What is happening?!" Layla said as we all slid down. Stella squealed as she landed on her boyfriend. I landed in between Slater and Layla. The three of us were still holding hands and Layla slowly sat up. Her eyes went to Slater and I's hands and she made a face that said 'what the fuck?' I let go of Slater's hand and Trevor slowly sat up. "Is everyone ok?" Nick said to the group. Sarah nodded and Jordan said "Olive?" "I'm ok." She said. Kelly looked at me and then Stella. Rooster panted softly and Stella's curls hung in her face as she reached down to cup his cheek. "Bradley? You still with me?" Rooster nodded and said "yeah. I'm good." Slater stood up and said "we need to find the camp." Nick started grabbing his gear and said "I'm gonna go. Everyone just rest here. I'm gonna go and get them on the radio." Nick rushed off and Sarah shook her head. "Come on. We gotta go." Ian said. He was clearly injured from the fall and Kelly said "dad, sit down." Stella got off of Rooster and went over to check on her father. "Ian, rest." Sarah told him. Stella shook her head and said "are you ok?" "Yeah. Just fell the wrong way. Landed on my ankle. I'll be fine." Ian said. Trevor laid on his back, catching his breath. Olive rubbed at her eyes and said "can we call Dwayne on the radio?" "Nick's going to call for help right now. You'll be seeing Dwayne soon." I said. Olive half smiled at me and Rooster sat up. Layla nudged him and said "you good?" "Yeah. Now we just need to find the damn camp and get the hell off this island."

Next chapter should have a lot going on. I keep these chapters a little short because I want to have as many chapters as possible instead of long ones for this book. I also cannot wait to write the sequel to this book and hope you'll all be around for that.

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