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Chapter five The TriceratopsStella's POV:"So, what is a tour without dinosaurs?" Rooster said

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Chapter five
The Triceratops
Stella's POV:
"So, what is a tour without dinosaurs?" Rooster said. Dwayne had his eyes closed as he leaned his head against the window. Kenny huffed softly and a growling sound entered the air. I whipped my head around to look. "What was that?" I said. Hunter looked through the tall grass, not being able to see anything. Dr. Grant then jumped out of his car. My eyes widened as Ellie did the same. "Wait, where are they going?" Kenny immediately jumped out. Hunter followed and said "come on." Layla went and then I did. Rooster shook his head and jumped out. Dwayne opened his eyes and saw everyone exiting the cars. He was quick to hop out and rush to the car in front as Lex and Tim were getting out. Dwayne held his arms out for Olive to jump into. Dwayne caught her as she jumped and he set her down. "Thanks, Dwayne." He nodded and she rushed off behind Tim. Dwayne pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Dwayne, come on!" Kenny said as he rushed over to him. He grabbed Dwayne's arm and pulled him along with him. Dr. Grant led the way as everyone seemed to follow him. "Is there anyone else who thinks we shouldn't be out here?" Gennaro asked. "Nobody told you to come with us." Pete said. I stepped over a log and bracing myself for a fall when Rooster grabbed me. "You ok?" He said. I nodded and said "yeah. Thanks." Lex then pretended to trip and as Dr. Grant went to pull her up, she held onto his hand as the two of them walked. Ellie laughed softly and Rooster then took mine. "I'll keep you safe, milady." I shook my head while giggling. "Thank you, good sir." Tim was talking Grant's ear off about reading his book. Olive then asked Tim about the book and he started to explain it to her. Grant then stopped us and walked ahead. Tim being Tim didn't listen and followed him. "Timmy." Ellie said as she tried to grab him. "Hey, Timmy." Lex said while rolling her eyes. Rooster furrowed his eyebrows and Kenny said "why'd we stop?" He took a few steps forward while holding Dwayne's wrist. Dwayne yanked his wrist away and everyone slowly started to follow Tim. "Oh wow." Tim gasped. A triceratops laid on the ground as Grant was petting it's head. "It's ok. She's sick." A guide named Harding said. I felt tears welling up into my eyes as I let go of Rooster's hand. Ellie knelt down and said "hi, baby girl." She laughed in disbelief and Grant praised the triceratops on being the most beautiful thing he ever saw. "Dad." I said while slowly rubbing the triceratops's side. "Stella, be careful. It's not a cow." He warned. "Dad, she's beautiful. Touch her." I pulled him closer to me and he slowly put his hand on the triceratops who took deep breaths. I sniffled and Olive touched the long horns on the triceratops's head. Dwayne stood with Lex, the two of them marveling at their younger siblings. "Your sister's pretty cool." Lex said to him. Dwayne looked down at her and pulled his notepad out of his pocket.

Your brother's cool too

"Chris..." I said. My brother looked at large creature in front of him apprehensively. He was much like my father in that way. Overly cautious and not that impressed. He leaned down and gently stroked the dinosaur. "She's so sick." He said. I frowned and gently kissed her scaly skin. "Ah, Stella! Don't kiss her!" Dad said. Ellie rolled her eyes and said "she's fine, Ian." Rooster stood with his parents, admiring the dinosaur from afar. A loud thunderclap erupted into the air. Olive jumped at the loud sound and I held her up as she stumbled back. "Thank you." She said. "Of course." I replied. Gennaro looked around and said "I suggest that we get moving." Ellie looked at Grant and said "I'm going to stay here and help with the trike. You all should go." "I can take whoever back. Whoever doesn't want to do the tour anymore." Harding said. Kenny looked at Dwayne and said "I think I'm gonna go back." Dwayne quickly scribbled on his notepad.


"Cause I wanna talk to Hammond. About my job." He said the last part quietly. Dwayne nodded and wrote back to him.

I'm staying with Olive

"Ok. I'll see you back there." Kenny told him. Hunter looked at me and said "I'm going to go back with my mom." I frowned and said "are you?" "Yeah. Plus, I think Layla is going too." I shook my head at her and said "falling for her already?" Hunter shrugged and said "maybe so. How are you feeling about Rooster?" "He's cute. I don't know if I'm ready to dive deep into that right now." "Might as well. The two of you would be kinda cute." I rolled my eyes and Hunter walked over to her mom. "Staying on the tour?" Rooster asked. I nodded and said "yeah. Are you?" "Yeah I am. We should go in the car with the kids. Otherwise we'll be alone since they're all leaving." "Yeah, that's fine. We could sit in the very back. Away from them. Dwayne is saying back as well." Rooster nodded and then approached his parents. My brother decided he was staying with me and my father. Rooster's dad and Pete decided to stay with us while Carol, his mom, went back with Ellie. Our group left the triceratops and made our way back to the tour vehicles. The rain then started to pour down. Luckily we made it inside before the rain started. The trees outside blew around with the wind as the storm was sitting on top of the island. The air conditioning inside the car was making me unbelievably cold since it was raining outside. "Cold?" Rooster said. I nodded and he took off his Hawaiian shirt to give to me. "It's short sleeve." I told him. "Wrap it around you. It'll be warmer than that tank top you got on." He replied. I put the shirt on my body which was almost like a dress on me. I looked over my shoulder at the tour car behind us. I then faced forward and noticed Olive asleep next to Tim. He was avidly looking out of the window. The car then came to a stop. "What happened?" Lex asked. Tim looked around and I noticed we were sitting outside of the T-Rex paddock. A low humming sound was heard. "I think we lost power." Rooster said. Lex groaned and said "great!" Dwayne rubbed at his eyes and Olive slowly woke up. "What's going on?" She mumbled. "We lost power. So, looks like we'll be sitting here for a while." I said. Olive rubbed her eyes very similar to the way Dwayne had and then adjusted her glasses on her face. Grant came over to the car, asking if our radio was working. Gennaro was quick to tell him no. Grant then rushed back to his car and Rooster said "you guys should sleep. We'll be here a while." Tim huffed and opened his book. Lex turned around to face me and said "do you like this place?" "It's pretty cool. It could be something. I wish we saw more than one dinosaur on this tour though." I replied. Lex nodded in agreement and said "yeah. Me too. When grandpa told me he was building something, I didn't know it was something like this." "Your grandpa did a good job." Rooster said. Lex half smiled at him and then turned around. The storm seemed to just get worse and worse as we sat in the car with no power. That was the bad thing about the electric cars that ran on a track. Run out of power, the cars don't move and you're stuck.

Yes this is short, I know. But I'm trying to keep the book longer with more chapters than writing a bunch of super long chapters.

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