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Chapter twenty five The Mainland Rooster's POV:The flight back to San Diego was quicker than you'd imagine

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Chapter twenty five
The Mainland
Rooster's POV:
The flight back to San Diego was quicker than you'd imagine. As soon as we landed, first aid was provided for us all. I carried Stella to one of the stretchers and the paramedics immediately started asking questions. I told them she had fallen and they started their work. Stella looked up at me and said "Bradley..." "You're ok. I promise." The hospital was chaotic. Jordan was taken away to further examine his head and make sure he didn't have a bad concussion. "Stella." Kelly said as she stood next to me. Stella moaned softly and tried to shield herself from the blinding white lights. "Sir, are you family?" A nurse said. I shook my head and said "I'm her boyfriend." "You have to wait until we're done. We're going to give her some medicine and clean up some of the other wounds she has. You need to go wait." "You're serious?" I said. The nurse nodded and said "only family." Kelly took a step forward and said "she's my sister. They took my dad away to check his injuries. Can I stay with her?" The nurse looked at Kelly and nodded. "I'll be right out here, Kelly." Kelly nodded at me and then followed the nurse into the room. The door was practically slammed in my face and I sighed deeply. Layla was getting her injuries checked along with Hunter. Olive sat in a chair as they had finished with her. I went to sit down next to her, putting my head in my hands. "Did the doctors give you medicine?" She asked me. I shook my head and said "no. I don't need it. How're you feeling?" "Good. Is Stella ok?" I nodded and said "yeah. She will be." "I was scared for her. I don't want her to be hurt." "Yeah. Me too. Are you ok?" I looked at her and she said "yeah. I'm glad we're home. It was cool to see the dinosaurs but those other people, the ones you were with, are not nice." I chuckled softly and said "yeah. I agree." The both of us laughed and I smiled at her. Olive went to open her mouth when her brother's voice rung out. "My sister! Olive Hoover! Is she here?!" I looked at the elder Hoover sibling who was frantically rushing around the hospital. "Dwayne!" Olive said as she stood up. He rushed over to her, giving her a hug. Dwayne rubbed her back and said "you scared me. You really scared me. Where'd you go?" "I was with Stella and Rooster. And Kelly. We saw dinosaurs. It was cool but really scary." Dwayne shook his head at his little sister and then made eye contact with me. He stood up, now holding Olive. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he said "hey, Bradshaw." "Hey, Hoover. It's been a couple of years. How've you been?" I said. Dwayne shrugged and he was clad in his uniform, I assumed he'd just come from the base. "It's been good. I made it as a fighter pilot." I nodded and said "yeah. I'm happy for you." Dwayne looked around and then set Olive down. "Stella's not here is she?" "Yeah they took her back. She got hurt. This asshole, Trevor...did some damage." "Wait, someone hurt her?" I nodded. "Trevor who?" "Trevor Hawkins." "Hawkins?! What was he doing on Isla Sorna?" I looked around and pulled Dwayne aside, away from people. "What do you know about the Isla Sorna mission?" Dwayne looked at Olive and said "sit right here, ok?" Olive went back to the chairs where her and I had been sitting. "Spill it, Hoover." Dwayne huffed and said "listen, all I know is that it was a top secret mission. Hammond was supposed to send Ian Malcolm's team there and that was it. But his nephew got involved and that's where everything went sideways. We weren't supposed to get involved. The government was not supposed to get involved. But the nephew made a mistake. He hired Slater Dominguez. And she doesn't go anywhere without her little lap dog Hawkins." I nodded and said "he tried to kill Stella. And me. It was like a light switch was flipped." "No, Rooster. You don't understand. That's what him and Slater do. They take people out. Someone hired them to take you both out." Dwayne said. I went to answer Dwayne when Ian came over. "Where's Kelly?" "With Stella. They wouldn't let me back there." I told him. Ian nodded and then looked at Dwayne. "You're the fluffy haired kid, right? The one that didn't speak?" "Yep. That's me, sir." Dwayne said. Ian looked at Dwayne's uniform and said "congratulations on getting in. Both of you." "Dad, she's awake." Kelly said as she walked over. I went to walk over but a nurse stopped me. "Family only at this time." Ian went into the room and I was screaming internally. Dwayne chuckled softly and a woman came into the waiting room. "Stella Malcolm. Is she.." "Ma'am it's only family at this time. You may wait in the waiting area with everyone else and we'll let you know when friends are allowed." She nodded and went to sit down. Blonde hair rested on her shoulders and Dwayne looked over at her. She ran a hand through her hair as she sighed. A ditsy baby blue floral dress sat on her body, just above her thighs. Dwayne gulped as he looked at her. "You came." Hunter said as she hugged the woman. She hugged her back and said "I came as soon as you called. I was up doing stuff for class tomorrow anyway." Layla rushed over to me and gave me a hug. "Are you ok?" She asked me. I nodded and said "yeah. You?" "Yeah. That last part there at the village was..." "I know. Trevor tried to kill us all. I don't think we're in the clear either." Dwayne shook his head at me and said "you guys should be fine here. I gotta take Olive home. Uhm, tell Stella hi for me." "You're not gonna stay?" I said. Dwayne shrugged and the nurse said "friends are now welcome in the room." Dwayne looked at the door and Kelly stood at the door. "She's awake and asking for people. If anyone wants to come in. She does really want you, Rooster." "I'll be there in a minute. Let Dwayne go in and uhm..." I didn't know the blonde girl's name but she went in first. "Annie!" Stella's voice said gleefully. Dwayne looked down at his feet before looking back up. "Annie." He mumbled. I quirked an eyebrow at him and he waited on the blonde to finish up her time with Stella. Dwayne then went inside as she was coming out. He held the large door for her and she said "thank you." "You're welcome." He said in a soft voice. Annie smiled at him and then left the room. "Stella!" Olive said as she followed her older brother. Layla sighed and said "I'm so glad we're back." "Me too."

Hunter's POV:
After they patched Layla and I up, we headed to see Stella. Once Dwayne and Annie were finished of course. "How're you doing?" I said. Stella looked up at me and said "I'm ok. Where's Roo?" "Rooster, get in here." Layla said. The mustached man practically rushed in and his face softened when he saw Stella. "Hi, baby." He said. Ian's eyes widened and he said "what?" "Dad, come on." Kelly pulled him out of the room and Layla said "I can't believe Trevor did what he did." Stella shrugged and said "it was all because I wouldn't leave him. I couldn't leave you, Bradley." "If he thought a dinosaur was going to get the best of me, he wasn't. I would've done whatever it took to get to you. That's stupid on his part." Rooster said. Stella had some small scratches on her arms but other than her back she was perfectly fine. "What'd they say? About your back?" Rooster sat down next to Stella. She shrugged and said "it's fine for now. They've given me a lot of medicine so I'm kind of high right now. But, I'm perfectly fine. It wasn't too bad of a fall. Now that I have pain medicine I feel great." Rooster laughed and I did the same. "You do know you can't go anywhere, right?" I said. Stella nodded and said "I know. I just feel so much better. And we're all safe." She then looked up at her boyfriend. "You're not going to leave me, are you?" Rooster shook his head and said "no. Of course not. I'll be right here. Don't worry, baby." Stella smiled at him and Layla said "well, the rest of us will be here tomorrow when you get discharged." Stella nodded at the both of us. I gave my best friend a hug before leaving her in the care of Bradley Bradshaw. Layla and I got a ride back to our apartment. Layla plopped on the couch and said "god, it's good to be home." I sighed and said "oh yeah. I'm gonna take a shower." Layla quickly stood up and followed me into the bathroom. The two of us quickly undressed and got in the shower. I could barely keep my hands off my girlfriend as she washed her hair. Layla giggled as I kissed her neck up and down. She turned around to face me, wrapping her arms around my waist. My hands went up to her chest, kneading the flesh of her breasts in my hands. Layla moaned softly and kissed my lips. Our hands roamed each other bodies, soap covering every inch. The sweat, blood, and mud had been washed from our bodies. The hot water in the shower made steam appear around us. All of our kissing and touching led us to the bedroom where things got kicked up a notch.

Slater's POV:
Trevor and I escaped the village and made it back to the rest of InGen. "Did you get them?" I asked. Trevor shook his head and said "they got away." I looked over my shoulder at Roland and Peter. "Don't let Peter know that. We'll keep it under wraps for now." Trevor nodded at me and we helped the group load the dinosaurs into cages. We'd be transporting them to San Diego by boat. It was going to take a while for them to get there. Trevor seemed to be in a mood because he wasn't able to eliminate Stella and Rooster. I knew we'd most likely have a chance again. I was pretty sure. My half sister was also quick enough to get away. I was so angry just thinking about it. At this point we should just force them to work for us. We have the money and the power. We could do it. I looked at one of the Tyrannosaurs' we caught. It was sedated. The dinosaur breathed heavily. "That's the male. We caught the male. And the baby." Peter said. Loud roaring entered the air as they carried the baby Tyrannosaurus into the boat. "How did you get it?" I asked. "Roland. He was quick enough to get him for me. This thing is going to make me a fortune!" He patted the side of the dinosaur's head. The male T-Rex growled which made Peter jump. The dinosaur was in and out of consciousness but was definitely sedated. "And when you finish your job, I will pay you. It seems Roland and that stupid little kid is doing their jobs." Peter said as he went to walk away. "What kid?" I said. "Kenny Cho. He's a brilliant young scientist who's going to make me more millions that I can spend." I immediately knew who he was talking about. Jurassic Park San Diego was going to be this large phenomenon. And I didn't want to be anywhere near it.

Here's the update!! It's basically a filler but the next chapter or two will be as well!! I hope everyone is enjoying this so far!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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