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Chapter twenty twoThe TentStella's POV:A tent was set up for the women and anyone who was close to them

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Chapter twenty two
The Tent
Stella's POV:
A tent was set up for the women and anyone who was close to them. Slater didn't stay in the tent with us even though she looked like someone who would. Rooster stayed on guard for a while. Kelly and Olive fell asleep pretty quickly. The both of them were exhausted. We had some snacks which was dinner. My dad and Nick were talking quietly outside the tent and figuring out what we were going to do in the morning. The rest of the men were laid out sporadically around the area. Small campfires were made to cook food but were quickly put out as to not draw attention to us. Jordan was asleep near Nick and I pulled off my boots. Sarah had fallen asleep next to Kelly. Layla and Hunter were sharing a sleeping bag and were in the corner of the tent. I went outside of the tent to sit next to Rooster. "Hey." I said. He looked at me and said "you should get some sleep." I sighed and said "I will. But, I want you to sleep with me." "I need to stay on guard." "Nothing will happen to us inside. I bet half of these men are scared of you." Rooster shrugged and said "you might be right. I'm so tired." "My dad isn't going to let anything happen to us. He'd kick everyone's ass." Rooster chuckled and said "ok." The mustached man followed me into the tent. The two of us laid down and I could hear Layla and Hunter giggling quietly. Rooster pulled me close to him and I sighed contentedly. "You're so warm." "Yeah?" He quipped. I nodded against his chest and felt my eyes getting heavy. If I was being honest I always slept better when Rooster was next to me. I felt his fingers go into my hair that I had let down. He played with my hair and I moaned softly, becoming unbelievably relaxed. It seemed like I instantly fell asleep.


I woke up to someone hyperventilating. It sounded like Sarah. "Sarah?" I called out. She immediately shushed me and I felt a hand on my mouth. My eyes went wide and Rooster said "it's out there." I furrowed my eyebrows and then saw the silhouette of the Tyrannosaurus. Growls entered the air as it's large head started to enter the tent. Rooster put a finger to his lips and removed his hand from my mouth. Sarah's blood soaked jacket hung from the ceiling. The dinosaur inhaled deeply, smelling the blood from it's baby. Rooster laid on his stomach and I slowly started to roll onto mine. A sharp inhale made me stop and I closed my eyes, acting like I was asleep. I felt a gust of air and whimpered softly. "What is that?" Kelly asked softly. She looked up at the dinosaur, going to scream but Sarah covered her mouth. I opened my eyes to see the dinosaur smelling the jacket once again, moving deeper into the tent. Layla gasped softly and Hunter stared in shock. Olive had woken up but wouldn't look. Small tears filled her eyes and I buried my face into Rooster's shoulder, too scared to roll onto my stomach. I felt him lay on his side and pull me into my chest. "Your boots. Put them on." Rooster said. I shook my head and wished the dinosaur would hurry up and go away. "We're going to have to run. Do it." I hesitantly reached for my boots, putting my boots on unbelievably slow. One of the men started screaming. Sarah grabbed Kelly and Olive. Layla told Hunter to get up and run. "Stay down! Stay down! Don't move! Don't run!" My dad yelled. The rex stood up, the tent becoming destroyed. Rooster pulled me to my feet and said "come on." "My boots aren't tied!" Rooster threw me over his shoulder and I yelped in surprise. I clung to him as the group started running. Roland's entire group pushed and shoved to get away from the Rex. Roars and screams started to mix together. Men were trampled, some broke off away from the group. One guy was stepped on. My eyes widened as he was drug with the Rex for a few steps. I just hoped Kelly was ok. I knew Chris or Sarah would have her. Jordan. Where was he? I was worried about everyone except myself. Our group rushed inside a waterfall, Rooster setting me down. The Rex came through the water, roaring loudly. I gasped in shock and I could hear Jordan's scream of fear. "Go away!" Kelly yelled. Olive's high pitched scream that was similar to her brother's reverberated off the rock walls. "Stop pushing me forward, asshole!" Nick said. Hunter was smushed in between Slater and Layla. Slater hung onto her and tried to keep Hunter back. Layla however was looking at her half sister as if she was crazy. The Rex moved in closer, it's large pink tongue coming out of it's mouth. "No." I said as I tried to get away. The dinosaur's tongue licked my face, going down to my chest. I whimpered and tried to turn my body, trying to get away. Rooster grabbed me, pulling me into him but it didn't do much good. "Stella, look away." Rooster told me. I closed my eyes and felt the tongue lick the side of my face and neck as I tried to hide my face into Rooster's neck. "A snake!" One of Roland's men said. "Burke, stay back!" Sarah screamed. Burke panicked, trying to get out of the waterfall. He was then grabbed by the Tyrannosaurus. He screamed as he disappeared behind the water. A loud crunch was heard and the water turned red, blood falling down. Sarah hyperventilated and looked away. Kelly stared in shock as she clung to Nick. "No. No. No." I said into Rooster's chest. A whooshing sound entered the air. "It's coming back!" Nick yelled. "Fuck!" Trevor said. I clung to Rooster, preparing for someone else to die. "Dad!" Kelly said. I turned around and saw Kelly in my dad's arms. "Dad." I sobbed as I went to hug him. He hugged Kelly and I, looking at Nick and Rooster. "Thank you." He thanked the both of them. Nick nodded and Rooster said "of course." The shouts of men were heard a little ways away. I assumed most of them ran past the waterfall and kept going. Our group stepped out of the waterfall, sopping wet from the water. "You ok?" Dad said to me. I nodded and pushed my wet curly hair out of my face. "Stella." Kelly said as she hugged me. I held my younger sister tightly as she cried softly. "It's ok. It's ok. You gotta be brave for me. Both of you." I said, including Olive into the conversation. Olive sniffled and said "I wish Dwayne was here." I frowned and said "I know, Ollie. I know. You'll see him soon. I promise you." Olive nodded while I wiped her tears. Rooster knelt down in front of me and said "I'm gonna tie your boots." I half smiled as Rooster started to lace them up. Olive and Kelly went over to my dad who was examining them for injuries. "What do we do?" Slater said. "Uh, what do you mean. You're the leader here. Not us. Uh, we need to figure out the next move." Dad replied to her. "Too tight?" Rooster asked me. I shook my head and said "no." He then started on my left boot. I stared at his golden brown hair that seemed to be perfect even though it had gotten wet. His pink plump lips that looked so kissable. The scars on his face and neck made him look beautiful. I slowly reached out and traced one of the scars on his neck. Rooster's breath hitched and he looked up at me. It was something I used to do when I was tired or sleepy. "All done." He said as he tapped my boot. I nodded and he stood up. I did the same and he looked over at Slater who was yelling at the group. "I didn't plan for this! This isn't my fault! I was hired by Hammond's idiot nephew! This is ridiculous! When we get off this island, you need to work for us. Stella, we could use you." I shrugged and said "I can think about it." "Stella, you'd be an amazing asset. You'd be fucking amazing." Trevor said to me. Rooster glared at Trevor and Layla was quick to tell Slater that we had to make it off the island. Rooster listened intently and my eyes went back to his lips as the attention went off of me. "Bradley." I whispered. He looked at me and said "yeah?" I grabbed him by his shirt and kissed his lips. Rooster moaned and put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Rooster moved his lips against mine feverishly and he squeezed my hips. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Dad said. I pulled away and Hunter smirked at me. "Enough with that." Dad said to Rooster. Rooster chuckled and Jordan said "Jesus Christ." My cheeks heated up and I walked away from Rooster. "Oh what's that?" I said to Hunter, pointing to the obvious purple marks on her neck. Slater's eyes widened when she saw them. Hunter scoffed and said "mosquito bites." I busted out laughing and Rooster said "yeah, ok." Kelly looked at Hunter's neck and Olive did the same. "Mosquito bites, huh?" Jordan said with a laugh. Hunter nodded and said "yep." Layla smirked and said "those are some nice mosquito bites you got there." "Shut up, Layla." Slater retorted.

The end was kinda funny/cute??? Anyways the next chapter will have action like this one. I'm kinda excited to write the next chapter. That scene always kinda scared me as a kid. Velociraptors hiding in tall grass?? That's terrifying. I hope y'all are enjoying this so far!!

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