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Chapter twenty"Mommy's very angry

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Chapter twenty
"Mommy's very angry."
Hunter's POV:
"Mommy's very angry." Ian said. Jordan gasped softly and looked to the window. A growl came from behind us which made us all turn around. The rex roared loudly from the right side and then on the left, another one growled. Layla stayed across the room, not daring to move. Sarah and Jordan had their backs up against the wall, along with Nick and Ian. The rex on the left roared, causing Sarah to scream. She was closest to the window. The rex nudged the trailer. Sarah yelped, stumbling to the side. Jordan held her up and did his best to brace himself. Layla grabbed me and held me up. Ian fell against the opposite window, Nick pulling him off of it. "This isn't hunting behavior, Ian. Not hunting. Searching. They came for their infant." Sarah said while her breath quivered. Ian nodded and said "let's not disappoint them." Sarah approached the table and picked up the baby rex. Jordan stood frozen in place, staring at the dinosaurs. Nick reached for the rex's mouth and said "muzzle off." As soon as he took the muzzle off, the baby dinosaur cried out. Sarah started to carry him to the door, the rexes following them on either side. Ian opened the trailer door, Sarah gently setting the baby on the ground. Sarah seemed to be in awe and was happy she was able to save the baby. Ian closed the door and locked it, making sure we were safe. Jordan took a shaky breath as they started to leave. Ian immediately went to the phone and said "are they leaving?" I could hear Eddie's muffled voice on the other line. "Kelly. How's Kelly?" He seemed unbelievably stressed to be away from his kids. "Don't move. I'm gonna be right back up. Do you understand? Don't move. Give the phone back to Eddie." "How are Chris and Stella? And Olive." It was quiet for a few seconds before Ian said "ok. That's fine. I'll be back up. I'm coming back soon." He hung up the phone and Jordan started making his way up towards the front of the trailer, in the other section. "I use plain simple English. Nobody listens to me. I don't have an accent. At least I think." Ian said sarcastically. Sarah rolled her eyes and said "oh, shut up." Nick shook her head and Layla said "wow, Ian. "I think the debate over the parental instincts of a T-Rex is now academic." Sarah said. Ian went to speak into the radio and then said "hang on, this is gonna be bad." I furrowed my eyebrows and all of a sudden the trailer was being flipped. Layla was thrown away from me as the trailer was completely flipped upside down. I slowly sat up as I had landed on the floor. "They're pushing us over the cliff." Ian said. One of the rexes roared. Sarah gasped and said "oh my god." I looked to the front of the trailer, watching the dinosaurs smash their heads into the glass front. Jordan yelped and fell back, glass going everywhere. Jordan slowly stood up and the rex slammed her head into the front of the trailer again, more glass and objects flying everywhere. The rain water seemed to pour inside. Jordan stumbled around, not being able to see. "Jordan, stay down!" I said. Sarah looked over her shoulder at her son. "Jordan!" She yelled. Jordan tried to come towards us but slipped, going down. Sarah let out a yell of fear. "When we get out of here, straight into the woods." Ian said. Nick nodded and said "yup, straight into the woods." Ian grunted as he kicked on the door, trying to force it open. Him and Nick were currently struggling. Sarah sat in the middle of the floor which was now the ceiling. "Hang on to something!" Nick yelled. "Hang on to something!" Ian repeated. Everyone quickly grabbed onto something as the trailer was pushed completely off the cliff. I was currently hanging onto a cabinet that seemed flimsy from the start but it was the closet thing to me. Nick groaned as he held himself up. Sarah shuddered as she looked at the cliff below our feet. "Jordan!" She called out. "I think he's knocked out." I told her. She nodded and closed her eyes. The cabinet I was hanging onto, flung open which knocked me off of it. I fell onto the glass window with a thump. "Hunter!" Layla yelled. I moaned softly at the pain and for a moment forgot where I was. "Hunter!" Layla and Ian yelled. I slowly came to, remembering that I was on a pane of glass hanging over the side of a cliff. I gasped softly as I saw the crashing waves below. "Oh my god." I whispered as I reached for the side. The glass under me began to crack. My breath quivered as the sound of the glass cracking entered the air. "Don't move!" Nick yelled. "I'm coming down for you. Stay still." Layla said. I shook my head in shock and tried to reach for the side again. Rain droplets fell onto my head and I was frozen in place. "Nick!" Ian said. "Yeah?" He replied. "The satellite phone! Get it!" I slowly looked up to see Nick reaching for the satellite phone. Ian was making his way down and Sarah was doing the same. Layla had finally made it down to me and said "give me your hand." I shook my head again Layla said "Hunter. Babe, give me your hand." "Hunter, we have to get you off of there. Come on." Ian said. Nick exclaimed in fear and said "heads up!" The satellite phone went crashing on the glass, the glass shattering underneath me. I screamed as Layla grabbed my hand. Ian grabbed my other hand. I dangled over the cliff, looking down at the rocks below my feet. I looked up at Layla and Ian. "I got you." Layla said. I shuddered and the two of them pulled me up. I cried into Layla's chest. Ian made sure we were away from the edge. Nick made his way down and said "where's Jordan?" Sarah pointed upwards and said "he was in the other section. I think he's just knocked out." Nick looked at me and said "you ok?" I nodded and Layla held me close to her. Ian looked around and started figuring out to get back up onto the cliff.

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