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Chapter sixteen Malcolm's JourneySlater's POV:"You now have an hour until boarding begins

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Chapter sixteen
Malcolm's Journey
Slater's POV:
"You now have an hour until boarding begins. Mission personnel will be going to Isla Sorna." A voice on the intercom said. I flipped through a couple of files in my office. I landed on Bradley's. I opened it and chuckled softly, seeing his navy detail and call sign. "Rooster." I said softly. I flipped a page to see information about the first Jurassic Park. It had his parent's names along with other people that were in his group. There were also a few pictures. I didn't care to look at the ones of him and his parents. But I stopped at the photo of him and Stella Malcolm. Him holding her as if she were a piece of glass and her clinging to him as if he were her life line. The picture was taken at the airport when they got back from the island. Paramedics scattered the background along with the other members of the group. I recognized Dwayne Hoover who was in the navy and Alan Grant who was an acclaimed paleontologist. A girl stood next to Stella in another photo. Along with Bradley. The other girl intrigued me. I'd never seen her before and wasn't familiar with who she was. My eyes scanned the paper for a name. "Hunter Sattler." I said softly. She was pretty. I wondered why she'd be involved with the Jurassic Park disaster. I picked up another photo, there she was, standing next to Stella once again. Bradley was looking off to the side while Stella had ahold of his hand and Hunter's arm. "Slater, we have to go." Peter Ludlow said as he burst into my office. I looked at him and said "I have to change. And I'm in charge of this mission, I say when we go." "Roland won't like your attitude. And I'm the one paying for this expense." "Using your uncles money." I said with a smirk. John Hammond happened to be his uncle and that was the only reason he had any kind of authority. "I put you in charge of everything until we get to the island. Then it's Roland's game." Peter said. "And why is that?" I asked. "Because he's a hunter. You're not." I stood up from my desk, approaching him slowly. "But I am. I can do everything Roland can do. And a little bit extra." Peter huffed and said "get ready. We have to be there by a certain time." I nodded and left him standing at the doorway. "Ludlow?" I called right before he went to leave. He looked at me and said "what?" "Do we have a file on Stella Malcolm?" "Stella Malcolm? Somewhere I think. Why?" He questioned. I shrugged and said "I just wanted to read it. Hunter Sattler as well." "I'll grab them for you." The short little man left my office and I continued to read Bradley's file. "Seems like you're in love with Miss Malcolm." I said. I chuckled knowing I had found a weak spot. Now if Bradley tried anything, I could threaten him with Stella's life. I also saw my ungrateful half sister, Layla in the background of the photos. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to look at her. I picked up Dwayne Hoover's file, looking it up and down. His black hair was starting to turn brown in the newer pictures of him. He was a decent fighter pilot and was now stationed in San Diego. I wondered why he wasn't apart of our mission. I looked at the copy I had sent to him.


The large letters stamped across the page made my eyebrows furrow. I didn't understand why he'd be denied. I'm looking into it further, he didn't accept the mission. He had been injured and was recovering. His injuries weren't life threatening and I could've used a smart man like Dwayne. Ludlow came into the room with the other two files and I said "why was Dwayne Hoover denied?" Ludlow looked at the picture and said "he's too young! I don't want to be responsible for the injuries that he'd sustain." "He's twenty two years old. He's not that young." I stated. Ludlow smoothed out his suit and said "he would've been the youngest soldier and I didn't want the responsibility. Plus he was suffering from a concussion with a sprained ankle. I don't know how it happened, I didn't ask. He was a liability and I didn't want the responsibility. Leave it at that, Dominguez." He then left my office. I rolled my eyes and opened up the file of Stella Malcom. Pictures of her and her brother laid inside along with Bradley Bradshaw. There was also one of her with Dwayne. I wondered how close they were. She was quite skilled in paleontology. She could've been a great asset. I then went to Hunter Sattler, daughter of Ellie who was well known like Alan Grant. I saw the pictures of her and her mother after the Jurassic Park disaster. The both of them covered in scratches and blood. I wondered just how horrific the dinosaurs could be. "Twenty minutes till boarding. Please make your way to the helicopters now." I sighed as the intercom broke me from my thoughts. I quickly changed out of my skirt, blouse and heels. I pulled on my cargo pants with my boots. Along with a tank top and jacket. I also grabbed some essential things I'd need for being out in the jungle. This trip would be something people would talk about later on. Jurassic Park San Diego was the future.

Ian's POV:
"Do you know where Sarah's last location is?" I asked Nick. "Yeah I have a ping off her satellite phone. The locals won't take us all the way in. We'll have to drive and set up camp somewhere." He replied. I nodded and looked at the trailer along with the Jeep's. "You sure that thing is strong enough to call someone if we need to get out of here?" I pointed to the trailer. Nick nodded and said "yeah. It's got a nice radio inside. We can call them whenever we're ready to come back." Chris walked over and sighed. "Don't say it." I told him. "You should've let her come, dad. Stella could've helped." He said. I shook my head and said "what about your sister?" "Kelly? She'd be fine if she came with. She's got us to protect her if something went down." "No, that other kid is with her." "Who?" "Olive Hoover." "Olive Hoover? I haven't seen her in years." "Neither have I. This mission isn't safe. I just want to get Sarah and bring her back. That's all. Nothing else." I said. Chris leaned against the bars on the boat and said "and whatever Hammond wants you to do." I huffed and looked towards the ocean. We were coming up on the island and that wasn't something I was looking forward to. Jordan was scribbling something down in a notebook. "What is that?" I said. Jordan looked up and said "records. I'm keeping track of everything that's going on. In case everything goes south, we'll need records." "Smart." "I get it from my mom. She's probably fine, you know." Jordan said as he slid the notebook in his backpack. I nodded and said "I hope you're right. She's so stubborn." "If anyone could convince her to come back, it'll be you. She'll pull away at first but you've always been able to convince her of things." "Yeah. Hopefully so. You gonna drive the trailer?" "Sure. We gotta hitch the jeeps to it and then it'll be fine. Eddie's gotta set up the high hide as well." Eddie nodded in agreement as Jordan and I said "I forgot about that contraption." "It'll work, Ian. If we need to go hide and get away, we'll be safe. That's why I built it and am going to set it up. I don't know how much we'll be able to see but nothing can get us in the high hide." Eddie explained. "It's good you're here, Eddie." I said. Nick smacked the piece of gum in his mouth and Jordan said "what flavor gum?" "Bubblegum." Nick was currently messing with his camera, loading it with film. "Could I have a piece?" "Not if you're going to smack it like he is." I retorted. Nick handed Jordan the gum and we started unloading all our equipment for the mission. We ended up driving the trailer to a cliff area that was open and high up so we could use the radio. "Now, we're going to find Sarah." I said. Chris looked at me and said "you should've let Stella come. She could've helped." "Kelly couldn't be here." "Would you be mad if she was?" "A little. Yeah." Jordan stepped out of the trailer and said "let's get a move on." He started leading the way and I shook my head. Nick and Eddie followed after him. I sighed and Chris and I started to follow, not knowing what we were going to get into.

This chapter was basically a filler but STEGOSAURUS next chapter!!

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