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Chapter one Invitation to a Wondrous PlaceStella's POV:"Velociraptor, huh?" Hunter looked up at me and said "uh huh

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Chapter one
Invitation to a Wondrous Place
Stella's POV:
"Velociraptor, huh?" Hunter looked up at me and said "uh huh. Mom's so excited we found one. So is Grant." I nodded and looked around at all the diggers. I was currently visiting my best friend Hunter. We'd known each others since we were kids. I was very fond of Dr. Ellie Sattler. She was always so nice to me. Her and my father had only talked in passing. My mom was the one who handled all the play dates and stuff. Dr. Ian Malcom was the definition of eccentric. "Do you want go with dad?" My brother asked me. I looked at Chris and said "I don't know. Should we?" "Dad wants us to. He says we should go see this place. That supposedly has real life dinosaurs." He whispered the last part. My eyes widened and I said "get out of here." "I wouldn't lie to you, Stels." "You'll come with me, won't you? Don't leave me alone with dad. You know how he is." Chris sighed deeply and said "sure. Whatever." Hunter looked up at the helicopter that was coming to land. "Cut the engine!" Grant yelled. I shielded myself from the sand that was flying everywhere. "Cover it up! Quick!" Ellie scrambled to cover up the bones. I started to help her and Hunter said "hurry! This asshole is going to cost us this whole dig!" Once the helicopter landed the sand blowing around wasn't as bad. I tried to dust off my jeans and Chris said "I should've stayed home." He rolled his eyes and Grant and Ellie went into the trailer where the man in the helicopter had pointed them to. "Ok, who's the jerk?!" Ellie said as she stepped inside. Hunter shook her head and I said "what do you think it is?" "I don't know. Maybe someone who's going to fund the dig. That'd be great." Hunter mumbled. The heat in the desert was starting to get to me and I wanted nothing more than to be out of here. But I'd do anything for my best friend. Ellie chuckled as she came out of the trailer. She rushed over and said "Hunter, John Hammond has invited us to his theme park!" Hunter's eyes widened and she said "mom, are you serious?" Ellie nodded while smiling really big. "Our dad got one too!" I said excitedly. Hunter squealed and Chris rolled his eyes. "Great." He mumbled. Grant came over and said "we'll see just how amazing this park is. He wants us to endorse it." "That'll be great for you guys, won't it?" I asked. Grant shrugged and said "it depends."


"You basically got invited because you're a mathematician?" I said to my father. "Yes, what aren't you understanding? I think it'll be a fun trip for the three of us." Dad said. "What about Kelly?" Chris asked. "She's with her mother. And she's too young for this. Let's go. The three of us. I'm sure Hammond wouldn't mind." I looked at Chris and said "please, Chris." Chris sighed as his eyes darted between dad and I. Dad smirked knowing Chris couldn't resist giving into me. "Make sure your packed and ready to go. We're leaving in the morning." Dad said. Chris sighed and I did the same. "Do we need any essentials?" "I don't think so. Just pack a bag for the hotel and everything. You won't need much for the theme park." Chris nodded and I said "it'll be fun, won't it?" Chris shrugged and said "yeah. Sure."

Kenny's POV:
"Dwayne, come on! Don't make me go alone! This is an accomplishment for me! It's a theme park! With dinosaurs!" Dwayne stared at me, unimpressed. He looked down at his notepad and began writing. I awaited his answer. He then held up his notepad.

A theme park? I'd rather die

I groaned and said "Dwayne, please! You'd be away from your family a couple of days." Dwayne made a face of agreement and then started scribbling on his notepad again.

You wanna go ask my mom?

"I will. I'll go right now!" I grabbed Dwayne by the wrist and started pulling him into the living room. "Mrs. Hoover!" Dwayne yanked his arm from me with a roll of his eyes. "Mrs. Hoover, I've gotten invited to a theme park that will be opening soon. It's a preview. I might possibly be working there. I'd like Dwayne to come with me." I said. Mrs. Hoover shook her head and said "wow, Kenny that's amazing. And when is it?" "Two days from now. It's in uhm, Costa Rica." "Costa Rica?!" Mr. Hoover exclaimed. Mrs. Hoover looked at her husband and then back at us. "I wanna go! I wanna go!" Olive said. Dwayne half smiled at his little sister and wrote on his notepad, giving it to her. "It won't be boring! Please, Dwayne! Can I come with you? Please?" Dwayne looked at me and I said "you wanna go?" "Yeah!" Olive said. I looked at Mrs. Hoover who sighed. "Yes. You guys can go!" Olive screamed happily and Dwayne covered his ears. "Sorry, Dwayne." She then said as she smiled really big. Dwayne nodded to her and patted her shoulder. "Kenny, I'll kick your ass if something happens to my kids." Mrs. Hoover said. I crossed my arms over my chest and said "Mrs. Hoover. You have nothing to worry about. They'll be safe with me."

Bradley's POV:
"Son, do you wanna go to Costa Rica?" Dad asked me. "Costa Rica? What for?" I asked. "Brand new theme park. Mav and I got invited for a preview. I'd figure I'd bring you. And mom of course." I shrugged and said "sure. I don't have anything else to do." "It'll be fun. Won't be anything too crazy." "Dad, as long as they have rides, it doesn't take much to impress me." "I heard they have something even better. But, I'm not going to tell you. I don't want to ruin the surprise." I rolled my eyes and said "of course, you don't. How does mom feel about it?" "She's excited we're going to Costa Rica." The two of us laughed and Mav came into the room. "So, you're accompanying us? I'd figure you'd be filling out your application." "It can wait. I'd like to spend some time with you guys before I go off into the navy." "Hey, you'll have all the time in the world. Me and Mav still work in the navy. We'll see each other." Dad said. I sighed and said "but, it'll be for work. Not like it is right now." "That doesn't matter. We'll be together. And if you're anything like your dad, you'll be fine." Pete said to me. "Have you come up with a call sign?" Dad asked me. I nodded and the two men awaited for me to say it. "Rooster!" "Ha! I win! I knew he'd stay in the bird family!" "You suck, Goose." I watched them bicker in front of me which was actually quite hilarious. What we didn't know was this new theme park was on a path towards destruction and death.

Here's the first chapter!! Second chapter will be better!! I promise!!

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