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Chapter fifteenA New Adventure Stella's POV:1997It'd been four years since the fall of Jurassic Park

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Chapter fifteen
A New Adventure
Stella's POV:
It'd been four years since the fall of Jurassic Park. Everyone seemed to move on from it. Nobody had any hard feelings about it any longer. Bradley Bradshaw and I were together for a while before breaking up. He decided to go join the Navy and I decided I didn't want to do long distance. It was better for the both of us. I was currently working as an assistant teacher. That was the best career path for me at the moment since I so desperately wanted to work with kids. I had stayed in touch with the Hoover siblings as well. Dwayne went off to be a fighter pilot in the Navy and Olive was getting ready to go to high school. She'd be a freshman this year. Layla and Hunter were exclusively dating. They were the "it" couple. My dad had also started dating Layla's mother Sarah. They were on again off again but were on at the moment. I sighed softly as I walked into the music classroom. I wouldn't be teaching music but Annie Rivington was and I had became quite close with her. During my breaks I'd go and visit with her. Annie sat at the piano, playing a fast paced piece. The kids watched with their mouthes agape. Her fingers glided actors the keys as if they were made for her. Her face was full of concentration as she demonstrated the piece. As she finished, the children clapped loudly. She stood up and bowed dramatically. "Thank you." She smiled at them. "Do we have to play that?" A little boy asked. Annie laughed and said "no, Mateo. I was just playing for you all. You guys are my best audience." He nodded at her and said "I like your playing." Annie smiled at him and said "I appreciate that. You're all dismissed. Your teacher is waiting." The kids walked past me with their teacher who was standing at the door awaiting them. Annie sighed and pulled her blonde hair up into a ponytail. "That was my last class for the day. Are you free to go?" She said. I nodded and said "yeah. What's up?" "Let's go grab lunch. A proper lunch. You can bring Layla and Hunter." "Can I use your phone to call them?" Annie gestured to her office and I walked in, dialing the number. "Yoooo." Layla answered. "Hey, did you and Hunter want to grab lunch with me and Annie?" I asked. "Sure! Let me grab Hunter and we'll be on our way. The normal spot, right?" "Yep. We'll meet you there?" "Yeah. See you." I hung up the phone and Annie was gathering her things. She was young for a teacher but excelled at teaching kids pieces of music. Annie was a couple of years younger than I was. She was twenty two while I was twenty five. We headed to the restaurant we frequented. It was a small little diner that the four of us loved. Annie's eyes scanned over the menu and Hunter and Layla arrived right on schedule. "What can I get you girls to drink?" A male voice said. Annie looked up and said "I'll have a chocolate shake. No, strawberry. Actually, could you do chocolate strawberry?" The waiter shrugged and said "probably. If not, I'll just bring you both shakes." Annie nodded and I said "I'll have a chocolate shake." Layla and Hunter got vanilla. I looked at Annie who was giggling. The waiter walked away and I said "indecisive much?" "Stop! My brain is frazzled today! I haven't been able to make a proper decision all day! I don't know what's going on." Annie said as her cheeks started to turn red. "You need to get laid." Layla stated. Hunter busted out laughing and I shook my head. Annie narrowed her eyes at Layla and said "I don't want to just screw a random guy. I want to love someone." "Yeah, but it doesn't hurt to just have a good fuck." Our shakes were brought to the table and we all ordered our food. "What about you?" Annie said. I quirked an eyebrow and said "what about me?" "What happened with you and the fighter pilot?" "Me and the fighter pilot decided to do long distance. Which is better." Annie sighed and said "I just want a proper guy. Someone who'll love me and care for me. Someone who'll make me feel safe." "Understandable. Very understandable." I said. Layla said "what's up with your dad?" I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what do you mean?" "He was talking to my aunt about an island and that he wasn't going there. She ended up going and now he's getting a whole team to go after her. Well, John Hammond is sending them." I scoffed softly. My dad hadn't mentioned any of this. "And where is this team?" "I'll take you after this." Annie furrowed her eyebrows and said "I'm a bit lost." "We'll catch you up." "Yeah. There's a whole dinosaur adventure story involved." I told her. Annie started laughing and then saw all of our serious faces. "Oh, you're serious." Hunter nodded and said "dead serious."

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