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Chapter nine Restoring Power (1)Stella's POV:"Yuck!" Lex exclaimed

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Chapter nine
Restoring Power (1)
Stella's POV:
"Yuck!" Lex exclaimed. Tim rolled his eyes and said "oh great, now she'll never try anything new. She'll just sit in her room and never come out. And play on her computer." "I'm a hacker." "That's what I said, you're a nerd." "I am not a computer nerd, I prefer to be called a hacker." The two siblings argued as we walked. Dwayne wiped his hand on his pants and grimaced. Olive giggled at her older brother who was absolutely disgusted. "This place hasn't exactly blown my mind yet." Chris said. I laughed softly and said "even though we're actually in the park with the dinosaurs where guests can't go?" Chris nodded and said "oh, yeah." "Oh my god." Grant said. Everyone stopped and looked to where he was. We all crouched down and Grant held a dinosaur egg in his hands. "You know what this is? It's a dinosaur egg." Chris looked around and said "yeah, the mom is going to come back and see us here, then we're getting ate." "What?!" Lex exclaimed. Grant shushed her and Dwayne slowly reached to grab a broken egg. Olive scooted closer to him and Tim said "but, my grandpa said all the dinosaurs were girls." "Amphibian DNA." Grant said. Lex looked up from the nest and said "what's that?" "Well, on the tour, they said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene sequence gaps." Rooster nudged me and said "I don't understand a word he's saying." "It's science, Rooster." "Super advanced science that nobody understands." I rolled my eyes and Grant said "life finds a way."


Hunter's POV:
John and Arnold were talking about rebooting the system. Malcom was currently leaning on his elbows, his shirt unbuttoned and his chest exposed. He honestly looked like a model for no reason. "Why are you sitting like that?" I said. Malcolm looked at me and said "what?" "You're sitting with your shirt unbuttoned and chest exposed like you're a model. Why?" Malcolm shrugged and said "does it matter?" "Uh, yeah it does matter that you're being a slut." Layla busted out laughing and Malcolm glared at us. "Tell your girlfriend to shut up." He said. Layla laughed even harder and mom looked over. "Admit it, Malcom. You're a slut." "Shut up, Hunter." He said through gritted teeth. "All of y'all shut the hell up. I'm trying to figure out a way to reboot the power and you're all telling jokes like its comedy night." Arnold said. Kenny sat up really quick and said "what'd I miss?" He had slumped over at one of the desks trying to help Arnold with the system but turns out he wasn't tech savvy. "I'm going to go and turn the power back on. In three minutes, I could have power back on in the whole park." Arnold announced as he left the room. John told everyone that we'd all be fine soon. It seemed like a relief. "So, with the power coming back on, does that mean we can go get Nick and Bradley?" Carol asked. Mom looked at her and John said "Mrs. Bradshaw, we'll go and get them immediately." "My daughter and my son. They're out there." Malcom said as he narrowed his eyes at John. "We will go and bring everyone back once Arnold is finished." Kenny stood up and said "I'm going for a walk." "If you touch anything, I'll know." John warned him. Kenny scoffed and said "never mind. I'll just stay here since I'm not allowed to go the lab." "Nobody's here to even teach you. Stay here. It's dangerous. This is my park and you'll do what I say." Mom rolled her eyes and Layla said "hopefully everything gets fixed." I nodded in agreement and was slightly worried about my friends.

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