Chapter 20 - The Third Term Begins

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Slayzes looked around at the stone ceiling for ages. He couldn't believe he kissed Xavi ... twice. He had tried talking to Riley three times now, but she kept walking away if he got too close. Slayzes found it impossible to apologise to Riley she just wouldn't let him.

It was now four in the afternoon. Slayzes began to pace up and down, thinking for a way to talk to Riley without being ignored. Slayzes rubbed his temples, trying to soothe himself; he was starting to get sick and tired of hearing Drake and Skylah flirt and kiss every ten seconds. It was sickening.

When he couldn't take it anymore, Slayzes left the room to go and find Riley again. After ten minutes of searching, Slayzes found Riley sitting on a ledge, her legs dangling off the edge while she sat there gazing down at the ice.

"Riley, can we talk?" Slayzes approached her very carefully as if she was some deadly animal. "I want to say I am sorry for last night." Riley turned to look at Slayzes, her brown eyes twinkled at him, but then she turned her head back towards the ice.

Slayzes sat down next to Riley, he was feeling a bit nervous knowing that he had kissed Riley's least favourite person twice. Slayzes was hoping that Riley would forgive him, this was an accident after all, but he wouldn't blame her if she didn't.

"Look," Slayzes started, looking at Riley's neck to see if she had the necklace still around her it, and she did, thankfully. "What I did last night was incredibly stupid. There is no excuse for what I did. Next time, I know not to push the limit of how much I drink."

"It's not that I am mad at you, Slayzes. I'm just upset. Xavi took advantage of you, knowing you were drunk, she made a move on you while I did some revision. I knew you were drunk, you couldn't see anything by the looks of it. You were stumbling a lot," she added.

Slayzes stood up and turned around. "I will be in the–"

"No. Stay. Please. It makes me feel better."

Slayzes sat back down, feeling better that Riley wanted him to stay. It was good that Riley wasn't avoiding him now, but Slayzes had nothing else to say to her. He had apologised, and though he wanted to again, he knew it would be pointless.

"So ... how drunk did I get?" Slayzes asked, making Riley laugh a tiny bit.

"You had twelve bottles." Riley answered, "Does that answer your question?" she rested her head on Slayzes's shoulder. "Xavi convinced you to have another four after the eighth. You decided the eight was your final, but clearly Xavi was desperate."

"I am really sorry–"

"I know, Slayzes."

Slayzes and Riley sat there for a while, both watching if the ice would melt from a miniature fire ball. After some time, Riley full accepted Slayzes's apology with a kiss, only to have it ruined by someones footsteps.

"What are you doing with her?" A familiar voice hissed.

Slayzes stood up, he hated Xavi now. "I am dating her, remember?"

Riley stood up and glared at Xavi. Two balls of fire appeared once again and were aimed straight at her. Slayzes watched Xavi struggle to put the fire balls out, it was hilarious.

After Xavi finished, she stormed up to Slayzes and kissed him. Slayzes was irritated that Xavi would kiss him again for the third time. He tried pulling away, but Xavi wrapped a hand around Slayzes's neck and pushed him closer just to make sure he couldn't let go. It made Slayzes feel horrible knowing Riley was watching this, her boyfriend kissing the girl she hated the most.

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