Chapter 36: Studio Fun

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A/N So I lied in the last authors note... Ashley and Victoria will not be in this chapter.

Okay, carry on :)


Anna's POV

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," I chant over and over again bouncing my right leg up and down. Makayla rolls her eyes at me but I don't care. It's finally happening. The moment I've been waiting for this whole summer. Hanging with the girls and guys was great, but I love to be productive and finally I am. We all are.

Today's the day.

"Anna, can you stop fangirling over this? It's not that big of a deal." Lindsey shrugs, taking a bite out of her burger. I scoff at her. Not a big deal? I've been waiting for this moment since 4th grade! Don't know about you, but it's a pretty big deal!

"Hey, let her have her moment," Louis interjects. I give him a genuine smile and he throws up the west side sign. I giggle at the Doncaster lad, returning the gesture.

"You're in the club now! No turning back, peasent!" He yells. I look at him very confused.

"Don't mind 'em," Harry suddenly pops out of nowhere. Creep much? He rests his hand on Louis' shoulder. "He does it all the time. The lads and I are all in it as well." Louis suddenly pouts, crossing his arms. He looks like a six year old that didn't get the candy he wanted. I just wanted to pinch his little cheeks!

Sorry, inner fangirl came out there.

"Zayn didn't join," He huffs. "I question our friendship." I let out a laugh as the other two boys enter.

"It's almost time," Liam informs us, making my heart jump a bit. And no, not because of his deep, Yorkshire accent that makes a girl want to melt in his arms- wait, what was I saying again? Oh yea- I'm totally not obsessed over his voice!

"How much longer?" I ask. He must've heard the excitment in my voice because he chuckled and shook his head at me.

"Soon enough, love." He replies. I then pout, crossing my arms. I huff.

"Oh no, she's turning into Louis!" Joy yells dramatically, laughing at the end. Everyone else joined her, including me.

Minutes pass by with cute Larry Stylinson moments and very loud laughs from Niall and Lindsey.

"I told you!" Niall excalims, jumping up from his seat. He shoves the phone in front of Zayn's face. They were currently arguing over how much they know about N Sync. Why? I can't even answer that.

"I got a 13/15 so ha! You got a 10/15!" Niall does a happy dance, making Lindsey and Harry giggle. To be honest, I almost died when I heard Harry giggle... Don't tell Makayla. She'd kill me.

"How the hell was I supposed to know when Bye Bye Bye came out?!" Zayn argues, huffing and puffing. He soon blew the house down.

Holy Teresa that was a bad joke.

"Alright guys it's time to leave. A van's waiting outside." Liam says soon after Zayn's little temper tantrum. I just noticed the girls and I are sharing a hotel suite with a bunch of babies. Our babies.

"Lets go then! Won't want the driver waiting," I reply, quickly getting up from my seat. Liam laughs at my actions and I turn crimson, looking down at the carpeted floor before walking to get my things. I hear the others laugh before shuffling around, probably getting ready too. I quickly check my bookbag to make sure I had everything I needed. Phone, check. Laptop, check. Purse/wallet, check. Song book, ch-. I pause.

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