Chapter 23: The Date Part 1

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Zayn's POV~ (I don't think I ever made a Zayn pov so :p)

When we got out the cab, we started walking to the house. My arm was on Joy's waist. She put her arm around my waist too and leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head and saw her smile. That put a smile on my face.

Tonight was our date and I had everything planned out. First she's going to meet my parents then we're going to go to a special place for a special girl.

"Zayn?" Joy asks looking up at me.

"Yea?" I respond smiling at her.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Our date tonight."

"Oh yea..." She trails off.

Before I could ask why she said that we're already at the door. Liam gets out the key and opens it.

We all walk in to see Makayla and Lindsey on the couch watching TV while eating nachos. Well I see no crying so Makayla must be fine.

When we close the door, their heads turn to see us. Lindsey runs up to Niall and gives him a what looks like a bone crushing hug. We all chuckle at her reaction as Niall hugs her back.

Then Louis speaks up. "We're here too ya know?"

She loosens from Niall's grip, laughs, then starts to hug us and say hi.

Makayla just sits there awkwardly until she gets up and comes say hi.

"Um-hey." She says giving the girls a hug. When she comes to us she gives us all a hug. Then, she comes to Harry.

She awkwardly gives him a hey and a quick hug then went straight back next to Lindsey.

"Anyway, what happened with barbie?" Lindsey asks.

"Barbie?" I ask trying to stifle in a laugh.

Then I couldn't hold it. I started to laugh and the boys and girls soon joined me.

"Well that's what Makayla and I call her. And you guys still didn't answer my question." She states.

"Well, we really don't know. But we're going to call Simon and tell him everything." Liam replies.

Oh gosh, Simon is going to be pissed.

"Simon's going to be pissed." Joy says.

"Hey that's what I was thinking!" I exclaim, looking down at her.

"Well you know what they say, great minds think alike."

I chuckle at her comment and give her a nose kiss.

"Still in the room guys!" Natalie exclaims.

We pull apart and laugh.

"I-I'm going to go..." Makayla says quietly while she runs to her and the girl's room.

"Oh no. Makayala come back!" Lindsey says chasing after her.

"That was all my fault I totally forgot!" I say combing my hair with my hand.

'Zayn, we all make mistakes. It's fine." Anna says giving me a smilie and running to the room too. Nat follows her.

Joy gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs back too.

"I'm gonna go too." Harry mumbles and walks to his room.

I groan and sit on the couch and put my head in my hands. "I am just messing everything up aren't I?"

"Mate, we all have our moments, don't be hard on yourself." Niall says patting my back.

"Look, how about we all go in there to see how Harry's doing, ok?" Louis says.

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