Chapter 37: Over Again

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Louis' POV ~

"Zayn get your arse down here we're gonna be late!" I yell to him, combing through my messy hair with my hand. It was all floppy and matted on my forehead. Looks like I'm going with the fringe look today.

"Would you shut up, the others are sleeping," Zayn whisper shouts and I roll my eyes. Let them wake up, they're not the ones who have to go to the studio at bloody stupid o' clock.

I leave the bathroom wearing a white t-shirt and some joggers. I throw a grey beanie on top of my head and grab my Raybans, clipping them onto the outside of my shirt.

"Alright, I'm ready." I look over that Zayn who had a white t-shirt with a leather jacket on top. He had on some dark washed up jeans on with his black Adidas. His hair was in a good enough quif and he was holding his backpack on his right arm.

"Well damn, didn't know we were going to a Vogue photo shoot." I tease and he just smirks while opening the door to find Paul outside standing, looking like he meant business.

Which of course he didn't. Paul was always fun to mess around with. He wasn't too serious and was really just a big panda bear.

"Paulio!" I call him by his nickname I made for him, jumping on his back. He grunts and then laughs.

"Hey, Louis. Ready to go?"

"Yes. Onwards, peasant!" I hit his back with the palm of my hand and chuckles. He shuffles me around, getting a better grip.

"Zayn, please tell me how you live with this?" Paul asks, as we walk into the elevator, him having to squat so the both of us could fit.

"You get used to it," He replies. I stick my tongue out like a 5 year old at him.

"Wait, Paul!" I exclaim.

"Did you forget something upstairs?"

I look over at Zayn who still had his backpack in his shoulder. Shīt.

"Well I was gonna ask you to persuade Zayn to join my club but now that I think about it, I forgot my bag." I say sheepishly. Paul just shakes his head while Zayn laughs.

We come to a stop and the doors open to see an old lady in about her late 70's at the front of the elevator doors. She has a startled look on her face, looking at Paul and I.

"Vas Happenin?" Zayn greets the lady.

She doesn't respond, just stares.

"Sorry, but we have to go back up," Paul apologizes, hitting the button.

Before the door closes, I yell, "Nice to meet you!" As the doors close we all burst out into laughter.

"Alright, hurry up we're gonna be extremely late." Paul states, looking at his phone and back at us with knowing glances. We nod and I mutter another sorry before we go in.

"I'll be in the living room, go get your bag." Zayn says sitting on the couch. I walk to our room and open the door. As I head over to my bed I see someone laying in it.

I look over to see Niall, Liam, and Harry sleeping in their beds so it couldn't be one of them. Worry got to me as the only thing I could use as defense was my hand and my foot. I guess I could use my head, but that would just hurt for the both of us.

I walk slowly to the bed, my hand raising. As I come closer to the bed, I see strands if red hair. My hand lowers a little as I take the covers off the humans body.

It was Nat. I laugh to myself quietly. I poke her cheek and her eyes flutter open. She mumbles incoherent words and groans. "I thought you were at the studio," She mumbles.

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