Chapter 15: Claustrophobia Sucks

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~Lindsey's Pov~

We ran so much. I almost tripped on a rock because I was deep in thought. Niall fricken' Horan kissed me!

Ok maybe it was kind of like a make out session but still!

I kept hearing the paps yelling some really stupid an mean stuff. ' Niall, is that your girlfriend?!?!' ' Niall, isn't that one of the girls in that group who won your contest?!?!' ' Niall, will you marry me?!?!'

Wait that last one sounded a lot like a regular teenage girl instead of paparazzi.

I turned my head around for a minute to see that some of the boys fans started following us too.

It was a really bad idea to turn my head because I tripped on my own feet.

I fell to the ground, but luckily before my face hit the concrete, my hands got there first. But then I was circled around by tons of paparazzi and fans.

Ok, this is bad!

Oh yea, did I tell you guys that I'm claustrophobic? Well now you know!

'You slut, you don't deserve Niall!' 'Go die in a hole!' Those are some of the things the fans were saying.

The last thing I remember is a familiar Irish accent saying, 'Get away from her!' and getting picked up by strong hands, before I blacked out.


Niall's Pov

When I turned around to see if Lindsey's alright, I see that she isn't there! I turn around and see the paps and the fans gathering around her.

But the look on her face, it told me she was going to faint any minute now.

So I quickly ran to her and told everyone to get out of my way. I picked her up bridal style, and ran all the way back to the hotel.

When we got in the hotel I quickly pushed the elevator button for the door too open.

I turned around and see the paps and fans coming this way. 'Come on hurry up.' I think in my head.

Just as the paps and fans reached the hotel door, the elevator doors open.

I quickly got in sideways so she wouldn't hit her head on the sides.

I set her down on the floor and and quickly pushed the close button on the elevator several times.

Just as the fans and paps got closer (but mostly the fans), the doors closed.

'Thank you Nandos God' I think.

What? You believe in your Gods, I believe in mine.

I pushed the floor number we were at and started to mumble to hurry up. I know we were in an elevator but our fans are so crazy- wait no- crazy dedicated they would just run up the stairs.

Finally, the doors open and I pick Lindsey up and run to our hotel room.

I quickly just knock on the door and tap my foot anxiously. I see Zayn open the door I quickly run in and put her on the couch.

I then let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding 'What happened to Lindsey?!?!" Makayla said running up to her friends side.

"Well, we were at the park then the paps came and we started running then the fans started coming, making the group larger. Then she tripped and everyone started surrounding her and then she fainted so I picked her up and ran in the hotel but now the fans and paps know where we are and I am so sorry." I say in one breath.

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