Chapter 26: 'Rude' Awakening

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~Joy's Pov~

'Why you gotta be so rude.

Dont you know I'm human too...'

I groaned, grabbing my iPhone and putting my alarm on snooze. I don't feel like getting up ecspecially today. I have to tell the girls the whole story of my date yesterday, and I really don't want to because it's kind of embarrasing.

Like, who would want to tell their best friends that they blew up on their boyfriend then ran away for no good reason?

Definitley not me.

I'm guessing the girls heard my alarm because one by one, they were waking up, stretching and yawning. Natalie looked at me sleepily then her eyes popped out of her sockets.

Well, not really we're not in Spongebob or anything. She gave me an evil smirk.

Oh no.

"So, ready to tell us about yesterday?" She asks arms crossed. I try to quickly think away out of this conversation. "Um, we just woke up. I don't want to tell a story with morning breath. Also, I'm hungry so maybe I should tell you guys after we eat."

"Yea, I'm starving!" Lindsey repiles, rubbing her eyes and yawning afterwards. Nat sighs, obviously knowing she wasn't going to win this argument. Ecspecially when Lindsey and her food is involved.

You can never win an argument when it's between Lindsey and her food.


"Ok, brush your teeth and we can go eat. But right after we do those two things, you are telling us." She gets up from her bed, walking to the bathroom.

I gulp. I can already feel that this is going to be a long day.

We all get up and go to one of the three bathrooms. Lindsey and Anna share one. Natalie got one to herself because she's going to take forever to put on make up. I don't get it, we just woke up, can't you go like 5 minutes without make up? So Makayla and I shared the last one.

Luckily, she didn't ask about the date, All she talked about is how today we should so something fun and energetic. It was surprising to me, since she's always on her phone and she's the one telling us to do something active.

After we brushed or teeth and washed out faces, we came out the bathroom and headed to the kitchen where everyone else was at.

Wow didn't know we took that long. The boys were already doing there regular morning routine.

Harry cooking, Niall complaining that Harry's taking too long, Liam trying to get the two to stop arguing, and Louis laughing his ass off.

Then it comes to a Zayn. Like always, his morning routine is sleeping in late. I check the tone on the microwave and it says it's 11:15. I guess it's time to wake up Sleeping Beauty.

"I'll be back, I'm going to wake up Zayn. "I tell them all but mostly the girls because the boys were'busy'at the moment.

Natalie snickered while the others just nodded watching the little show the boys were putting on.

I walked to his room and knocked. No answer but what did I expect? He's a heavy sleeper.

I quietly open the door and done him sleeping lime a little baby. Awww. His hair was ruffled up and he was all tangled in the covers. I Got out my phone from my pajama pocket and took a picture of him. I forgot to turn the volume down, so the clock was loud.

I squinted, waiting for him to wake up. He never did. I sighed of relief and went up to his bed and sat on the side.

"Zayn, wake up. "I whisper shaking him gently. No answer.

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