Chapter 18: What Did I Do And Why Did I Do It?

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~Makayla's POV~


That is all it was.

Nobody knew what to say or do.

So that is when I spoke up.

"Look, I'm sorry about my friends she just-" But I never got to finish because Miss Barbie had somethings 'important' to say

"There is no sorry for what she did! Ugh, if it wasn't for her Harry and I would like- totally be snogging right now!" She says angrily.

Ok- now she's done it.

I go up to where she is and slap her right in the face. Then I grab her by the hair and and set her straight.?

"Lindsey was right. You are a b*tch." And then I let go of her and storm out the room.

"Hey kid what are you doin-" Gabriel the security guard said giving me a confused/angry look. But I cut him off.

"Look, first of all stop calling us a freaking kid because we're freakin' 17 and 18 year olds for god sake. Second of all, you don't need to know every damn thing so get the hell out of my way!" I yell angrily, budging through him.

He didn't say anything or try to stop me so I guess he was pretty shocked. Oh god, what the heck did I just say to him? That was mean (even if he did deserve it). Ok Makayla no time for thinking about that now- you need to find Lindsey.

But where could she be?

~Lindsey's POV~

Ok, let me list the things I did wrong.

1) I just bad talked a interviewer (Ok, more like a man-hungry interviewer).

2) I stormed out of there thinking someone was going to come and get me (which they haven't yet).

3) I cursed (and I never curse unless I'm really angry like I was in there).

4) I actually stopped by the snack bar and got some snacks (hey, I was hungry!).

Ok, time to stop listing. What I did was super wrong but she deserved it! But why did I do it?

"Because she freakin' was mean to your man!" I hear a familiar voice say.

Was I talking out loud again? I need to see someone about that.

"Oh. Hey." I say seeing that the person was Makayla.

"Don't 'Oh hey' me young lady. What you did out there was really mean and uncalled for-" She starts to say but I cut her off.

"I know. It's just- she got me so mad. I didn't know what got over me and-" But then she cut me off this time.

"You didn't let me finish. It was mean and uncalled for but hey, she should have saw it coming!"

"Hell yea she should have!" I say snapping my fingers sassily.

We both start laughing and then she stares at me.

"You got snacks at a time like this?"

"Hey don't judge me!" I say starting to break out into Chris Browns song.

We start singing the song obnoxiously loud. I was sure people were staring but hey, who cares? Not us that's for sure.

After we finish the song, she then states she wants to tell me something.

"Spill." I say opening my chip bag and popping a chip into my mouth.

"Well... after you left she started saying if it wasn't for you she would be snogging with Harry right now so I got even more mad then I was the last time and-" She stopped for dramatic effect- I could tell.

"And what?" I try to say but with some chips in you mouth it really didn't sound like that.

"What?" She asks giving me a confused look.

"I said, and what?" I finally say when I swallow my chips.

"Oh yea right and... I slapped her grabbed her by the hair and called her a b*tch." She says all in one breath.

"Whoa." I gasp not believing it. I never thought that she could be capable for something like that.

"Yea, and that isn't even the best part. Gabriel asked me where I was going but he said kid and I hate when people say that. So I told him to stop calling me a kid because I am 17 and that he should mind his own damn business and get the hell out of my way, then I budged through him. I think I really shocked him because he I didn't hear him say anything when I left." She continues.

I think I almost choked on my potato chip.

"That. Is. AWESOME! I wish I was there I would have been like, 'In your face Gabrielle!'" I say laughing at the end.

Makayla then joins in with me and I think we were acting a little bit too crazy because this lady came up to us and asked us if we were all right. It took all my effort not to laugh.

"Hey Lindsey?" Makayla starts to say once we calm down.


"Thanks for standing up for Harry and I. That was really sweet of you." She states giving me a smile.

"No problemo! I had to help my friend who has been there for me since 1st grade!" I reply, giving her a smile back.

Then we start talking about 1st grade and 3rd grade and all the grades up to this one.

10 minutes passed and no sign of the boy or the girls.

"I think we should call the limo driver." I explain. "I don't think they're going to be done explaining how Barbie over there got a big red hand mark on her face."

"YOU CALL HER BARBIE TOO!?!?!?!" Makayla yells.

"Uhh- yea. She looks like one to me." I explain. "With all the hair and makeup." We both say together.

We look at each other knowingly.

"TWINSIES!" We both yell at the same time laughing hysterically at the end.

"Any who, I do agree with you. We should call the limo driver." Makayla says finally getting over her giggles.

I get out my phone and see 9 texts. 5 from the boys and 4 from the girls. I just ignore them and mentally remind myself to text them back later.

I then call a the limo driver and we wait for about another 10 minutes.

The limo finally comes and we get in and give him the address making sure to tell him to go to the back door.

As we were driving, a thought came into my mind.

I wonder how the boys are doing...


Hey guys! New chapter just like I promised! So now my new schedule is every Monday because I want my Friday's reading 1D fan-fics and crying over how I won't be going to their WWA Tour. Too much information? Ok. Well guys school tomorrow. :'( So I gotta go or my mom is going to be peeved. STUPID MIDDLE SCHOOL! Ok well- byeee! :)


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