Chapter 35: Same Mistakes Again

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A/N: I feel like I keep putting drama after drama in chapters so Im gonna try to calm it down a bit

After this chapter :P

(I'll tell you when to play the song)

~Victoria's POV~

I just stare.

That's all I can do.

That's all I'm able to do at the moment.

I finally move my eyes to see the police hand cuffing an man in his about fortys. I saw a woman in her late thirtys crying and Liam was soothing her. Then I see Makayla and Harry. Makayla had a red hand mark on her cheek and she was in a wheelchair. What the hell did I miss?

SEW: Everything apparently.

I quickly ran over to them. But for some reason, like on instinct, I ran over to Harry, almost making him loose his balance.

Hot Guy : Well someone has a thing for curly hair guys. Have I been replaced?

First of all, I don't like Harry. I've said this already, he's like a brother to me. Relationships always end up bad anyway. I know.

Hot Guy : One guy and then suddenly you become allergic to them.

If I was allergic to them, I wouldn't be thinking of you would I?

Anyway, Harry chuckles and hugs me back. Tightly. I hug him back with the same affection. God, I missed him. It's only been 2 weeks but it seems like 2 centuries.

"You okay Vic?" His deep Cheshire accent asks me. I look at him and just smile.

"I should be asking you the same thing! I heard about everything on the news! I wish we came sooner but we wanted to give you some time alone." I look back at Ashley who was in the room talking to Liam and helping him calm the lady down.

Then I look down at Makayla who's knuckles were very white. What got up her pants?

Gruncle Stan: Apparently not Harry.

Hot Guy: I know right?!

Mabel: You both are disgusting!

SEW : They're so immature I just want to slap them both with a ruler.

Gruncle Stan: Depends where babe!

Laugh Track : Hahaha!

Shut up guys!

I kneel down to her height and give her a gentle hug. "And you! I was so worried about you! I was literally freaking out when I heard about this whole thing! I'm glad you're okay!" I look her up and down. "Well, moderately okay." I hear the boys chuckle behind me.

She clearly fake smiles and thanks me for my concern. I smile back- fake of course.

SEW : Rude!

Did you just call me rude? She's the one that kicked out of this flat in the first place! She's the one who never liked me from the beginning! So if anyone's being rude here, it's her!

Suddenly, I feel hot breath on my ear. "Stop tuning out, the girls and guys are getting suspicious." Harry whispers. I quickly nod, trying to settle down my goosebumps.

"So..." Natalie speaks up.

"What happened?" I ask. I mean, there's at least 5 police men in here, do you expect me not to ask?

Harry has a frown on his face and shakes his head. Okay, not the right time to bring it up I see.

Ashley and Liam soon join the group. Ley (that's what I call her since she doesn't like the nickname Ash) hugs everyone and consoles Makayla about this whole thing.

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