Chapter 24: The Date Part 2

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~Joy's Pov~

"Ok how do I look?" I ask as I come out. "You look hot!" Natalie replies. We all laugh at her response and I say thanks. Then, we all go sit on the ground starting to talk about my date.

"Ok, so you said that you you need to get over your nerves for your first date. Girls, have any suggestions?" Lindsey asks. Makayla replies first. "Ok, so when I went on my first date, the way I got over my nerves was listening to music. Music is the best medicine that's what I always say."

I just nod and smile. Then Lindsey speaks up. "You also can eat through your nerves. That's what I always do." Every one gives her a weird look. "What? It always helps to have a little something in your stomach before you leave on your date."

We all laugh. "Thanks Linds, but what if I get so nervous that I throw up. I do not want that happening. But thanks anyway." I give her a smile and let out a little chuckle and she does the same.

"Well I would never be like that. I happen to have a strong stomach." She replies patting her stomach. I laugh and the girls just shake their heads letting out a little chuckle.

"Ok, any other tips?" I ask. They all ponder a little bit before Natalie speaks up. "I've never been on a date before, but whenever I'm nervous I like to hold my breath. It seems to calm me down." "But what if I hold my breath to long and faint? That would be so embarrassing! But thanks for they tip." I give her a smile and a small giggle and she just gives me a goofy smile back.

"Ok, well Anna? Got anything?" I ask. All of our eyes go to her. "Well you could always just... talk. Talking usually calms me down." "Ok, but what if-" But I never got to finish because she stopped me.

"Ok, no more 'what if's. You need to stop thinking about what you think will happen and just focus on going out on a date with Zayn." "But you don't get it! I'm meeting his parents and his family! What if they don't like me? What if I embarrass myself? Maybe I just shouldn't go on the date!" I storm out the room and lock myself in the bathroom.

~Anna's Pov~

"Joy, come back! I didn't mean it like that!" I shout, but it's too late because she locked herself in the bathroom. Hm, I'm getting a little sense of De Ja Vu here...

"We'll go talk to her." Natalie and Lindsey say, but I speak up before they can get to the bathroom door. "No, you guys are always the ones who cheer people up. Now it's my turn. Anyway, I'm the one who made her lock herself in the bathroom."

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I knock on the door, hoping she answers. But she doesn't.

"Nat, can you please open the door?" I ask. Still no response. Now I see how Liam felt when I got angry at him.

"Natalie... I don't know your middle name... Horden! Open the god damn door!" I yell. She finally gives me a response.

"Look I don't want to freaking talk to you Anna! Shut up and leave me alone! And stop knocking on the freaking door!"

I never said it was a nice response.

I keep knocking on the door, ignoring her protests. But she still wouldn't budge. I finally just stop knocking, then I remember this song from 'Frozen' that would possibly get her out.

"Ok, you made me do this..." I start singing, 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman'.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on lets go and play. I never see you anymore, come out the door; it's like you've gone awayyy. We used to be best buddies, and now we're not I wish you would tell me whyyy. Do you wanna build a snowman? *muffled voice* It doesn't have to be a snowman."

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