Chapter 1.

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Arthur is my best friend, he really is. He's been there, glued to my side, for literally all my life. He was the first to meet me. They were so excited that they let Pascale in with Arthur only a couple hours after my birth. Jules hadn't even been there to meet me before Arthur did.

The second person to meet me was Charles, Arthur's three year older brother. He was so excited because he wanted a little sister, but the poor thing got Arthur instead so they said that he could still treat me like he would treat a little sister which really excited him. He came in with big, happy, excited eyes and looked at me with the biggest smile. Which makes me feel quite bad now because I would treat him like shit when we were kids.

Jules and Lorenzo were eleven years old when Arthur and I were born. Charles was used to tagging along with them, since he had no other sibling to hang out with. We came along and Charles became so busy watching us, even though we looked like lumps of dough in the beginning, waiting for us to be able to play with him.

By the time we were three, when we were actually able to walk and talk some and play, he was tired of waiting. Instead, he started karting like my brother. My brother helped him a lot, took him karting and suddenly, he stole my brother to attend races further away. I guess it was revenge since I stole his brother as soon as I was out of the womb. Damn, Charles didn't even get Arthur for a full day, I see why he'd get jealous.

As Lorenzo and Jules got older though, they would do things that Charles wasn't allowed to do with them and Charles would try to hang out with us instead. He tried but we were ruthless to him and knowing how sweet of a child he was, I'm not proud. But I'm positive that Arthur and I, as babies, just made a pact to make everyone around us as miserable as possible and we just tried to live it up.

As I explained before, our mothers really hoped that they could have a girl and a boy at the same time so they could get married. By the age of three they realized that if we ever did get married it would be to prove a point or because of a bet. We simply liked each other too much to ever have a romantic relationship, so they gave up on that around the time we turned three years old.

We lived next to each other, we went to the same schools, and we had the same friends. At least when we were like actual kids. Also, those kids weren't from Monaco, but there were some other freaky kids that would befriend us. They're the real ones.

I met Arthur (and Charles) every single day. Even though we were rough to Charles sometimes, we were all considered the trio, the best friends. We played, never actually fought, not for long anyway. We shared every single birthday together even though they were different days. No one had the time nor energy to have three separate parties so we had ours at the same time.

This tradition never died and even though there were times I wasn't too keen on sharing it every year. Now, I love it.

There's a bond between the three of us, even though Charles said he didn't like hanging out with us and we always tried to annoy him. If we fell or cried for any other reason, we would call for Charles, at least if Jules wasn't there. We were Charles' biggest supporters during his karting days. We were there on the stands, jumping, screaming, cheering him on from start to finish. We would be the first to congratulate him after getting out of the kart.

When we got older, all three of us made a handshake that we did before and after all of his races. Another one of our things that just stuck. As we got older and too old to hug him like excited children after every race, we just did the handshake.

Arthur, Charles, and I went to as many of Jules' races as we could, if they were close enough and if we had time that weekend. Me and Arthur were still in school and Charles had his own races, but we tried to go as much to see the both of them as we could. But for the most part, Arthur and I were on our own in school.

Until Arthur started Karting too, which made me alone some Fridays, Thursdays or Mondays. But when he started, at least it was easier to get my parents to let me tag along to the races further away, since all of the others were going too. Jules would go, Charles would go and then Arthur, probably Lorenzo too. They couldn't stop me from going anymore.

This was the only way me and Arthur could make any friends... so we took the opportunity.

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