A family had moved into the house where we used to live. Arthur says they have an annoying daughter and that he doesn't like them. I laugh and remind him that the previous family also had an annoying daughter. He just looked at me before agreeing.
We're sitting on the roof of their house. We all had dinner together and our parents are currently catching up, trying to talk about anything other than the loss our families have been through the past three years. After dinner, me and Arthur climbed up here and sat looking over at my old house.
"Ça me manque de t'avoir à côté," I miss having you next door, he says with a heavy sigh.
"Vivre à côté me manque," I miss living next door, I reply also sighing, "Il me manque beaucoup de choses," I miss a lot of things, I add.
We heard something from Arthur's window next to us. We turned and saw Charles looking out at us before climbing out. He silently sat down next to me, looking over at the house we've been staring at for the past hour.
"Je n'arrive pas à croire que tes parents aient vendu la maison..." I can't believe your parents sold the house, Charles says after a while. Me and Arthur both start laughing.
"Il vous a fallu tout ce temps pour vous en apercevoir?" It took you this long to notice? I ask through my laughter. Charles looks at me, annoyed before laughing a bit himself.
"C'était dur de rater le silence," It was hard to miss the silence, he admits, "Combien de temps allez-vous rester?" How long are you staying? he asks.
"Es-tu déjà malade de moi?" Are you already sick of me? I chuckle while looking over at him who just smiles as he stares over at the house.
"Jamais, tu le sais." Never, you know that, he says while shaking his head.
I smile to myself before sighing, letting my smile fade, "Nous partons tôt le lundi matin." We leave early on Monday morning.
Charles and Arthur both turn their heads to me and I know they're disappointed. I lay down on the roof, watching the stars, trying not to ruin my own mood by thinking about leaving so soon. I'm supposed to be happy right now.
"Peu importe, vous partez tous les deux pour des courses mardi, n'est-ce pas?" It doesn't matter, you're both leaving for races on Tuesday, right? I say when they're both silent. They both start muttering as they lay down next to me. They wouldn't be home to spend time with me even if I was staying longer.
"Tu viens d'arriver, ne parlons pas de ton départ," You just got here, let's not talk about you leaving again, Arthur says.
"Tu te souviens quand Jules a essayé de se faufiler par cette fenêtre mais il est tombé? il s'est foulé la cheville d'une manière ou d'une autre," Do you guys remember when Jules tried to squeeze through that window but he fell? He sprained his ankle somehow, Charles said, pointing across to the other house at a small window on the first floor.
Me and Arthur both started laughing because we began to reminisce on how we would keep taking Jules' crutches, running around with them to prevent him from going anywhere.
"Ouais je suis tombé sur lui en essayant de le faire et il m'a soudoyé avec de la glace si je ne le disais pas à maman et papa." Yeah, I walked in on him trying to do it and he bribed me with ice cream if I didn't tell mum and dad, I laughed in reply.
"Tu as été facilement soudoyé avec de la glace," You were easily bribed with ice cream, Charles laughs, "Je t'ai soudoyé avec de la glace quand j'ai cassé ce vase chez toi," I bribed you with ice cream when I broke that vase at your house.
"C'est vrai j'ai beaucoup pris la chute pour toi." Right, I took the fall for you a lot, I agree, nudging them both, because I did it for the both of them.
"C'est toi qui m'as causé des ennuis!" You were the one who got me in trouble, Arthur exclaimed.
"J'ai pris la chute pour vous beaucoup plus, tous les deux," I took the fall for you a lot more, both of you, Charles exclaims on my other side.
We spend the rest of the night recalling old memories while laughing until our stomachs hurt. Even if my stomach hurt, I felt like all the pain in my life was gone for a while. We also heard our parents look for us downstairs, but we had no intention of letting them know where we were. We hushed and tried to keep from laughing while they looked around the whole property.
FanfictionThree years after losing her brother, Céline comes back to Monaco to stay with her childhood friends, but it's clear they they've grown plenty since they used to live next door. She finds herself dealing with new friendships, relationships and situa...