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I was excited to see Jovian play and to see him

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I was excited to see Jovian play and to see him. As soon as we got to the hotel I took a nap then woke up to get ready to see the game. I packed many different outfits but don't know which one to wear.

I had two choices, one bold, one not-so bold. I hold up the two options to Tabitha. "Definitely that one" she pointed to the bold choice. Of course she did. I quickly changed and did my hair. Im instantly hit with the feeling of missing my baby. The whole time I haven't really been thinking about Val and I feel guilty. I'm supposed to always be thinking about her and wondering if she's okay.

Once I finished getting ready early I phoned Shelby. After two rings she picked up "Hey Jules!"

"Hey Shelby um is everything okay?"

"Of course, I just put her down for a nap. She's a very energized kid. And later we're going out for dinner with Lani." She sounded excited. Meanwhile I can't remember the last time I put Val down for a nap with ease.

"Okay great. I was just checking in, call me when she wakes up please."

"Jules, Val is in good hands. And it's okay to want a break from her, and it's okay for you to go out and have fun. Everything's okay here, don't feel guilty." It's like she can read me.

"Okay. Thanks again." I felt a little bit better after that. I got up and went to see if Tabitha was finished and she was. She's wearing a pink sundress with sandals. "How do I look?" She held the ends of her dress posing.

"Straight outta a Disney movie." She busted out laughing. Then she saw my straight face "Oh your being serious." She mumbled before rushing to look in the mirror then she turned back at me in shook. "you're right."

I laughed at her reaction then. Since we were still really early we decided to have a drink, or two. Well I can hold my liquor I don't know about Tabitha since after the first shot she was seeing 'flying stars' according to her.

Meanwhile I cut her off after her second shot I took a couple more. She laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling. "Is it me or is the ceiling moving?" She giggled.

"Have you ever had alcohol?"

She looked up at me like I was stupid "Of course silly. Just not with my pills." She giggled again.

Pills? I decided not to pry because she's.. I don't even know what she is. If she mixed her pills and alcohol maybe it's just making her woozy. Why would she drink on pills? Oh come on Jules, you've been there. Drinking on pills makes everything goes numb, it makes you feel something different.

The only thing that will help is for her to throw up. Or she sleeps through it. But I know she wants to be there for Ansel. Thinking quick on my feet I gather the snacks we bought. I looked through everything, I remember getting some chocolate carmel m&ms and she told me they were disgusting and made her throw up before. So I gave her some and she instantly rejected it.... All over me.

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now