Sleeping pills

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I try to stretch out my arms only to see that jovain is beside me

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I try to stretch out my arms only to see that jovain is beside me. Jeez. My life sure know how to take a turn. Well... it's been about a week? And I some how ended  up out of state with him... I was bribed, okay!!

"Jules go back to sleep" he mumbled sleepily. I would if I could.

"Do you think Val alright? Maybe I should check on her-" Val wanted to go with Ansel and Tabitha which meant they had to be together. And I trust them both with my kid.

"Jules its six in the morning" he sat up giving me all of his attention.

I sighed, defeated "I just can't sleep.." Thanks to trying to pack all of Rosen's things I forgot to pack my sleeping medicine and my anti-depressants. Bailey managed to sneak a few brownies in my bag. I didn't realize till I was picking out my outfit last night. She's also taking care of Pluto and I'm praying he comes iht alive.

"Sleeping meds?" I raised an eyebrow at him a bit confused. I wasn't that open with him about me taking pills to help me function right. In some ways I'm embarrassed that I can't function without pills, I've tried and it made living a hell lot harder. Especially when you dream about your dead brother.

Kaydens death is still talked about a lot today with the public. Some say it was a stunt because he was falling off the wagons but let's be real if it was fake he would've been popped up and said boo bitches... sadly he didn't.

"Something like that..?"

"You didn't bring them with you?" He mumbled still somewhat half asleep.

"No I didn't refill them before I left."

"I can run down to the corner store and he thought some-?"  It was too early.

"It's fine." I turned around now facing him. He was barely holding on but trying to. It was six in the morning.

"Are you still having nightmares?" He asked as he gently placed a curl back inside my bonnet.

I shrugged. It's hard for me to open up about these things. I took a deep breath. "The nightmares have gotten worse." Ill sometimes wake up screaming or crying.

"How can I help?" He asked in a raspy voice.

I muffled a yawn with the back if my hand. "Just hold me." He was already doing that. My eyes started to flutter as jovian waited for me to fall asleep first.

As I was taking out my hoodie I saw the bag of brownies. I looked up to see Jovain intrigued in his phone. I took out a brownie and plopped one in my mouth.

"When did you get brownies?" My head snapped up obviously guilty. I quickly chew and finished "Tabitha made some. Their left over from last night, I took the last one." I just dont think it's necessary for him to know I'm eating edibles..

"About earlier, Jules I did some research and there's different methods  professionals recommend. Meditation, Rewriting your nightmares I also read-" Jovian rant went on. I admired the fact he actually cared and is trying to help.

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